1) J及T讓我在他們家住了近3星期,真的是白吃白住。在此先謝一聲。
2) 北京的士司機,很多時都不懂路況,常常反問你應該走那條路。不過,他們都很老實,試過有一次,司機多走了路,他就少收車資。
3) 也談談L君。L君是阿姨早前認識,但十分不熟落的人。他知道我來京後,幫我搬屋,還有請了我吃兩餐飯。為人真的很不錯。
1) 慢。原本約了3時送水機到家,結果5時才到。去中國聯通申請上網,可能要排一小時隊。而中國聯通服務處的門面,很像一間黑店。
2) 隨地吐痰。在街上隨時可看見人在吐痰。在新建的地鐵站可以見到,公車站更常見。以為故宮是文化遺址,應當要保護?照吐可也。
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
一﹞ 數三聲
數三聲 鬆口氣 揮之則去
數三聲 死不了 不必生氣
無陽光 送車尾 壞天氣 不可以避
數三聲 笑一笑 細胞沒有減少
世界繼續壞 你要繼續捱
但你會有力量 數三聲 即管笑
當你懂得笑 當你懂得笑 當你懂得笑
二﹞ 給最開心的人
窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色陰沈 你就像太陽為我暖心
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群
情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
還要利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
多得你 最開心的人
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 無懼氣溫
只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
若你想哭 即管放心吧
三﹞ The best is yet to come ﹝At17版本﹞
永遠有一個吻未嘗 有些燭光未燃亮
若愛太苦要落糖 結他斷線亦無恙
To hug someone To kiss someone
The best is yet to come
笑與淚 亦有時候
To hug someone To kiss someone
The best is yet to come
將感情隔離半點感動都扼殺 沒法承受
永遠有不妥協傷口 有些憾事不放手
若你太刻意淡忘 越會補不到缺口
Why don't you just hug someone
Just kiss someone
The best is yet to come
一﹞ 數三聲
數三聲 鬆口氣 揮之則去
數三聲 死不了 不必生氣
無陽光 送車尾 壞天氣 不可以避
數三聲 笑一笑 細胞沒有減少
世界繼續壞 你要繼續捱
但你會有力量 數三聲 即管笑
當你懂得笑 當你懂得笑 當你懂得笑
二﹞ 給最開心的人
窮途末路之時 我急需的是你聲音
每當天色陰沈 你就像太陽為我暖心
對於朋友 你的細心 已足夠花去半數時間
尚有精神娛樂大家 從沒離群
情路段段不幸 你用辦法沒有上心
還要利用經驗 叫身邊的人勇敢
對於情感 你很有心
為了打救旁人幸福 沒時間傷心
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
每當落淚之前 你可想找誰人說話
每當熱鬧之後 你最想誰為你留下
記得有天 你失了蹤
感激你 最開心的人
陪伴著我 每個無眠夜深
用你笑聲 修補我不幸
過濾失落 重獲信心
只不過 誰為你認真
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
多得你 最開心的人
用你笑聲 粉飾了天地
告別失望 無懼氣溫
只不過 誰為你著緊
抱著心事無人問 壯烈犧牲
若你想哭 即管放心吧
三﹞ The best is yet to come ﹝At17版本﹞
永遠有一個吻未嘗 有些燭光未燃亮
若愛太苦要落糖 結他斷線亦無恙
To hug someone To kiss someone
The best is yet to come
笑與淚 亦有時候
To hug someone To kiss someone
The best is yet to come
將感情隔離半點感動都扼殺 沒法承受
永遠有不妥協傷口 有些憾事不放手
若你太刻意淡忘 越會補不到缺口
Why don't you just hug someone
Just kiss someone
The best is yet to come
Thursday, December 03, 2009
No choice
Weeks ago, my company organized a sports day on a Saturday. The management encouraged all the staff to participate .
I am not a sports enthusiast, and Saturday is a day-off. I don’t want to wake up damn early on Saturday and waste my day off to do something that I am not interested in. And, I don’t like group activity.
I asked whether I could not participate in the sports day.
The answer is “No”.
I am not encouraged, but “summoned” to it.
The extreme weather conditions have affected northern part of China recently. Some poor people do not have enough material to stand the cold weather.
My company organized a donation, asking all staff to give away 30 yuan. The donations will be given to the people in need through a government department.
I don’t mind giving to needy people. I did that after a massive earthquake struck Sichuan last year as many people did.
Can I choose to donate to organizations which I believe can put my money to better use?
The answer, again, is “No, sorry”.
No choice. That’s our spirit.
I am not a sports enthusiast, and Saturday is a day-off. I don’t want to wake up damn early on Saturday and waste my day off to do something that I am not interested in. And, I don’t like group activity.
I asked whether I could not participate in the sports day.
The answer is “No”.
I am not encouraged, but “summoned” to it.
The extreme weather conditions have affected northern part of China recently. Some poor people do not have enough material to stand the cold weather.
My company organized a donation, asking all staff to give away 30 yuan. The donations will be given to the people in need through a government department.
I don’t mind giving to needy people. I did that after a massive earthquake struck Sichuan last year as many people did.
Can I choose to donate to organizations which I believe can put my money to better use?
The answer, again, is “No, sorry”.
No choice. That’s our spirit.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
紫禁城(故宮)/ Forbidden City (Palace Museum)
Went to the Forbidden City last Saturday. It was not snowing that day, but the weather was still very cold. There were gusts of bleak wind and my fingers were nearly frozen. My friends, J&T asked when I was telling them about my trip, “Why did you go to the Palace under such cold weather?”
Forbidden City is attractive to me. I can skip the Great Wall, but I cannot not go to the Forbidden City.
Ordinary citizens could not enter the palace, and those inside were prohibited from leaving. The price for violating the rule is instant death. Now, you can visit the palace by paying between 40 and 60 yuan.
I planned to visit the palace early morning. But it was already 10am when I woke up. I rushed to the bus stop after eating at MacDonald’s. It was 12pm when I entered the palace.
The palace is really magnificent. I always got lost, and I still missed some spots even though I had already spent half a day there.
紫禁城內有不同的展覽,包括介紹末代皇帝溥儀的西化生活。 Various exhibitions are held in the Forbidden City. This one showcases the westernized lifestyle of the last emperor Puyi.
我最喜歡的展覽:鐘錶展,當中包括各國進貢清朝的鐘錶。棕色的是滴漏。The exhibition I like most, the watch and clock gallery. Many of the exhibits are gifts presented by overseas countries to the Qing Dynasty. The brown color one is an hourglass.
參觀當日,雪未完全溶化。The snow was not melted.
Went to the Forbidden City last Saturday. It was not snowing that day, but the weather was still very cold. There were gusts of bleak wind and my fingers were nearly frozen. My friends, J&T asked when I was telling them about my trip, “Why did you go to the Palace under such cold weather?”
Forbidden City is attractive to me. I can skip the Great Wall, but I cannot not go to the Forbidden City.
Ordinary citizens could not enter the palace, and those inside were prohibited from leaving. The price for violating the rule is instant death. Now, you can visit the palace by paying between 40 and 60 yuan.
I planned to visit the palace early morning. But it was already 10am when I woke up. I rushed to the bus stop after eating at MacDonald’s. It was 12pm when I entered the palace.
The palace is really magnificent. I always got lost, and I still missed some spots even though I had already spent half a day there.
紫禁城內有不同的展覽,包括介紹末代皇帝溥儀的西化生活。 Various exhibitions are held in the Forbidden City. This one showcases the westernized lifestyle of the last emperor Puyi.
我最喜歡的展覽:鐘錶展,當中包括各國進貢清朝的鐘錶。棕色的是滴漏。The exhibition I like most, the watch and clock gallery. Many of the exhibits are gifts presented by overseas countries to the Qing Dynasty. The brown color one is an hourglass.
參觀當日,雪未完全溶化。The snow was not melted.
關於工作 About Work
Really very different from my last job. I don’t know how to tell the difference. I will talk about it later.
Really very different from my last job. I don’t know how to tell the difference. I will talk about it later.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
在計劃的時候,在北京工作的L來電說她公司招募人手,於是我就發電郵應徵。結果,我就來到北京,就當參加了working holiday。
在計劃的時候,在北京工作的L來電說她公司招募人手,於是我就發電郵應徵。結果,我就來到北京,就當參加了working holiday。
Monday, November 02, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
暫時的居所Temporary Residence
Have been here for a month. Finally rented a house and have internet set up.
Also set up a temporary blog. Blog address is http://blog.sina.com.cn/tedstorytemp.
The content of the sina blog will to a large extent be the same as blogspot blog.
Will try to update the two blogs simultaneously. If I cannot access to blogspot, I will first post the article to the sina blog.
Have been here for a month. Finally rented a house and have internet set up.
Also set up a temporary blog. Blog address is http://blog.sina.com.cn/tedstorytemp.
The content of the sina blog will to a large extent be the same as blogspot blog.
Will try to update the two blogs simultaneously. If I cannot access to blogspot, I will first post the article to the sina blog.
Friday, September 25, 2009
忙什麼,在忙轉變,是工作上的轉變。要轉工了,新工與現在的有很大的不同,是新的開始。我要試不同的東西,所以轉工了,也當自己是參加了working holiday。
忙什麼,在忙轉變,是工作上的轉變。要轉工了,新工與現在的有很大的不同,是新的開始。我要試不同的東西,所以轉工了,也當自己是參加了working holiday。
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Somebody Said A Prayer
Another song from Teoh.
Somebody Said A Prayer - Billy Ray Cyrus
Just a single mom raisin up the kids
Little Tommy's seven now and her daughter Justine just turned ten
Pinchin every cent
laughin and lovin and content
You would never think
a couple years ago
she almost let her job, her kids, her mind, her life go up in smoke
right there on the edge
right before the fall
@ Somebody said a prayer
somebody had some faith
somebody finally hit their knees and asked for help for heavens sake
somebody finally found
someone who really cares
somebody said a prayer
He was seventeen
and his heart was broke
in the middle of the night a bottle full of pills and a goodbye note
Sittin on his bed
but then he bowed his head
now I see him every week
and every now and then
he talks about that night and the peace that came over him
talk about a sign
Can I get an amen
well there were tears on his face
he said look what happened lord
@ @
Can I get an amen Ohhhhhhhh
Can I get an amen Ohhhhhhhh
somebody somebody said a prayer somebody said a prayer somebody somebody said a prayer
somebody said a prayer - billy ray cyrus.mp3 -
Somebody Said A Prayer - Billy Ray Cyrus
Just a single mom raisin up the kids
Little Tommy's seven now and her daughter Justine just turned ten
Pinchin every cent
laughin and lovin and content
You would never think
a couple years ago
she almost let her job, her kids, her mind, her life go up in smoke
right there on the edge
right before the fall
@ Somebody said a prayer
somebody had some faith
somebody finally hit their knees and asked for help for heavens sake
somebody finally found
someone who really cares
somebody said a prayer
He was seventeen
and his heart was broke
in the middle of the night a bottle full of pills and a goodbye note
Sittin on his bed
but then he bowed his head
now I see him every week
and every now and then
he talks about that night and the peace that came over him
talk about a sign
Can I get an amen
well there were tears on his face
he said look what happened lord
@ @
Can I get an amen Ohhhhhhhh
Can I get an amen Ohhhhhhhh
somebody somebody said a prayer somebody said a prayer somebody somebody said a prayer
somebody said a prayer - billy ray cyrus.mp3 -
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
政 府 的 手 可 以 伸 多 長 ?
政 府 的 手 可 以 伸 多 長 ?
我 抽 煙 。 我 知 道 你 很 討 厭 我 抽 煙 , 我 也 認 為 這 是 個 很 糟 糕 的 習 慣 。 大 概 十 七歲 那 年開 始 的 , 但 是 究 竟 怎 麼 開 始 的 , 我 也 弄 不 清 楚 ─ ─ 因 為 朋 友 都 抽 所 以 抽 ? 功課 的 壓力 太 大 ? 太 無 聊 ? 或 者 就 是 為 了 想 試 試 看 大 人 說 不 好 的 東 西 究 竟 怎 樣 ? 可 能每 個 理由 都 多 多 少 少 有 一 點 。 反 正 結 果 就 是 , 我 上 癮 了 。
我 的 煙 友 們 其 實 都 開 始 得 比 我 早 , 大 部 分 在 十 二 、 三 歲 的 時 候 。 還 記 得 那個 時 候 我是 很 討 厭 別 人 抽 煙 的 , 討 厭 那 個 氣 味 。 最 火 大 的 是 , 大 夥 要 出 發 到 哪 兒 去時 , 總 要等 抽 煙 的 那 個 傢 伙 在 垃 圾 桶 前 把 他 的 那 支 煙 抽 完 。 其 實 到 今 天 , 我 還 是 不喜 歡 抽 煙這 回 事 的 : 我 的 喉 嚨 總 覺 得 不 舒 服 , 很 容 易 感 冒 , 衣 服 老 有 去 不 掉 的 煙 味, 我 容 易累 , 而 且 , 肺 癌 還 等 著 我 呢 。
可 是 , 有 什 麼 好 說 的 呢 ? 不 就 是 我 的 自 由 意 志 選 擇 了 抽 煙 然 後 又 缺 乏 意 志力 去 戒 掉它 。 如 果 有 意 志 力 , 我 早 就 戒 了 。 但 還 是 抽 。 原 因 是 , 每 一 支 煙 , 是 一 個小 小 的 休息 和 釋 放 。 我 喜 歡 離 開 我 的 書 本 , 站 到 陽 台 上 去 , 耳 機 裡 聽 著 一 首 好 聽 的歌 , 看 著海 面 上 大 船 緩 緩 駛 過 ─ ─ 點 上 一 根 煙 。 當 然 還 有 那 「 快 樂 似 神 仙 」 的 「 飯後 一 根 煙」 , 還 有 電 影 鏡 頭 裡 不 能 少 的 「 性 後 一 根 煙 」 。 一 根 煙 , 我 想 說 , 使 美 好的 一 刻 完整 了 。
所 以 對 我 而 言 , 明 知 抽 煙 不 好 , 但 那 是 一 個 個 人 的 自 由 選 擇 。
[b]政 府 鐵 金 剛
[/b]最 近 , 我 的 自 由 選 擇 被 剝 奪 了 。 二 零 零 七 年 一 月 一 日 零 時 , 香 港 開 始 在公 共 場所 禁 煙 。 政 府 的 說 法 是 , 為 了 防 止 二 手 煙 危 害 不 抽 煙 者 的 健 康 , 禁 煙 的 地 點包 括 公園 、 餐 廳 、 學 校 、 酒 吧 . . . . . . 當 然 包 括 了 我 的 大 學 。
我 一 點 也 不 意 外 。 這 正 是 兩 年 前 我 的 德 國 高 中 發 生 的 事 情 。 你 知 道 , 德 國法 律 規 定, 十 六 歲 以 上 的 人 抽 煙 飲 酒 是 合 法 的 , 所 以 大 部 分 的 高 中 都 劃 定 了 吸 煙 區, 學 生 在那 裡 吸 煙 。 但 是 在 二 零 零 四 年 黑 森 州 的 文 化 部 長 推 動 校 園 禁 煙 , 結 果 如 何呢 ? 我 們必 須 多 走 五 百 米 到 校 園 外 圍 的 人 行 道 上 去 吸 煙 。 我 們 同 學 裡 沒 一 個 人 戒 了煙 , 但 是學 校 外 圍 那 條 人 行 道 上 從 此 滿 地 是 煙 蒂 。
沒 多 久 , 全 德 國 都 要 在 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 了 。 所 以 , 在 禁 煙 的 作 為 上 , 香 港 和德 國 是 一樣 的 , 但 是 我 注 意 到 一 個 根 本 的 差 別 , 那 就 是 , 在 德 國 , 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 令下 來 之 前, 社 會 有 很 廣 泛 、 歷 時 很 長 的 辯 論 。 香 港 卻 沒 有 , 政 府 基 本 上 可 以 說 做 就做 , 而 且, 香 港 政 府 好 像 有 一 種 特 異 功 能 , 只 要 是 它 想 作 的 事 情 , 都 可 以 把 它 塑 造成 「 萬 眾一 心 」 的 樣 子 , 香 港 政 府 簡 直 是 個 所 向 無 敵 的 鐵 金 剛 。
如 果 你 問 我 , 我 是 否 對 禁 煙 政 策 不 滿 ? 當 然 , 因 為 現 在 我 必 須 繞 很 多 路 去抽 一 根 煙。 可 是 如 果 你 問 我 , 我 認 為 禁 煙 政 策 對 不 對 ? 我 會 說 , 當 然 對 , 沒 話 說 。我 喜 歡 煙霧 繚 繞 的 小 酒 館 或 酒 吧 , 因 為 那 是 一 種 迷 人 的 氣 氛 。 但 是 我 完 全 贊 成 在 餐廳 裡 禁 煙, 因 為 煙 味 會 破 壞 了 食 物 的 香 氣 , 我 心 甘 情 願 走 到 餐 廳 外 面 去 抽 煙 。 所 以說 來 說 去, 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 對 我 不 是 問 題 。 不 過 我 想 談 的 其 實 不 是 禁 煙 的 政 策 或 者 香港 強 大 的政 府 , 因 為 , 沒 有 普 選 , 反 正 你 拿 政 府 沒 辦 法 。
[b]媒 體 棄 守
[/b]我 想 跟 MM 表 達 的 是 , 我 對 香 港 的 媒 體 覺 得 很 奇 怪 。 香 港 沒 有 民 主 , 但是 有 自由 , 媒 體 的 獨 立 跟 批 判 精 神 , 還 是 被 容 許 的 吧 ? 公 共 場 所 應 不 應 該 禁 煙 , 在德 國 媒體 上 起 碼 辯 論 了 三 、 四 年 , 學 者 、 專 家 、 評 論 家 翻 來 覆 去 全 民 大 辯 論 。 香 港媒 體 上也 有 一 些 討 論 , 但 是 很 少 , 很 零 星 ─ ─ 當 然 , 我 主 要 說 的 是 兩 家 英 文 報 紙 ;而 且 ,你 知 道 嗎 ? 香 港 的 討 論 說 來 說 去 都 停 留 在 禁 煙 的 「 執 行 」 層 面 : 說 抽 煙 族 會跑 到 人行 道 上 去 抽 , 二 手 煙 的 問 題 能 不 能 解 決 , 說 酒 吧 餐 廳 可 以 怎 樣 領 到 「 准 煙 牌照 」 ,說 空 氣 污 染 會 不 會 變 好 。 可 是 我 很 少 看 見 有 什 麼 認 真 的 討 論 是 衝 著 「 公 民 權」 來 談的 。 問 題 的 核 心 反 而 好 像 沒 人 在 乎 : 政 府 應 不 應 該 有 這 樣 的 權 力 去 規 範 公 共空 間 的使 用 ? 政 府 有 沒 有 權 利 這 樣 高 姿 態 地 去 「 指 導 」 人 民 的 生 活 方 式 ? 不 吸 煙 的「 大 多數 」 有 沒 有 權 利 這 樣 去 壓 制 吸 煙 的 「 少 數 」 ?
嚼 檳 榔 的 人 , 是 否 政 府 也 該 管 呢 ? 以 此 類 推 , 不 刷 牙 的 人 , 用 了 馬 桶 不 抽 水 的 人 , 老 是 放 屁 的 人 . . . . . . 是 不 是 政 府 都 要 管 呢 ?
我 知 道 討 厭 煙 的 人 很 多 , 我 也 知 道 吸 煙 有 害 健 康 , 我 更 知 道 禁 煙 可 以 帶 來 比較 好 的空 氣 環 境 。 但 這 不 是 重 點 , 重 點 是 , 當 一 個 如 此 侵 犯 個 人 空 間 , 如 此 衝 著 弱小 族 群( 吸 煙 族 絕 對 是 「 弱 小 族 群 」 ) 而 來 的 法 要 通 過 時 , 你 會 以 為 , 這 個 社 會 裡的 自 由派 會 大 聲 抗 議 , 強 烈 反 對 , 要 求 辯 論 。 奇 怪 的 是 , 一 點 都 沒 有 。 MM 你 告 訴 我, 難道 香 港 沒 有 「 liberal 」 的 存 在 嗎 ? 我 讀 到 的 評 論 , 簡 直 像 中 學 生 的 作 文 : 先幾 句正 面 的 , 然 後 講 幾 句 負 面 的 , 然 後 一 個 軟 綿 綿 的 、 四 平 八 穩 的 總 結 。 媒 體 的 尖銳 批判 性 , 在 那 裡 啊 ?
[b]集 體 變 笨
[/b]這 麼 寫 , 會 讓 很 多 香 港 人 跳 起 來 。 我 其 實 一 點 也 不 想 說 德 國 多 麼 好 ─ ─ 他 們 搞爛 的 事 情 可 多 了 。 可 是 就 媒 體 而 言 , 每 個 報 紙 都 有 它 的 批 判 立 場 , 在 公 共 場所 禁 煙這 個 議 題 上 , 保 守 的 法 蘭 克 福 匯 報 和 激 進 的 柏 林 每 日 新 聞 就 會 有 截 然 不 同 的鮮 明 立場 。 我 訂 過 香 港 的 英 文 南 華 早 報 , 看 了 幾 個 禮 拜 以 後 就 退 報 了 。 我 要 的 是 一份 報 紙, 對 於 香 港 的 事 情 有 深 入 的 分 析 和 個 性 鮮 明 而 獨 立 的 評 論 , 可 是 我 發 現 報 紙的 內 容和 電 視 新 聞 基 本 上 差 別 不 大 , 多 半 也 只 是 浮 面 報 導 而 已 。 那 我 何 不 脆 看 看 電視 新聞 就 算 了 。
你 大 概 要 說 , 是 因 為 長 期 的 殖 民 , 缺 民 主 的 環 境 和 素 養 , 所 以 會 這 樣 。 我想 問 的 是, 那 改 變 要 從 那 裡 開 始 呢 ? 報 攤 上 花 花 綠 綠 的 雜 誌 報 紙 , 大 多 是 影 星 藝 人的 私 生 活探 密 , 不 然 就 是 飲 食 、 賭 馬 跟 名 流 時 尚 。 MM , 如 果 媒 體 不 維 持 一 種 高 度 的批 判 精神 , 一 個 社 會 是 可 以 集 體 變 「 笨 」 的 是 不 是 ? 香 港 的 媒 體 在 做 什 麼 呢 ? 我 看見 很 多香 港 人 很 辛 苦 地 在 爭 取 普 選 , 可 是 媒 體 還 是 把 最 大 的 力 氣 和 錢 花 在 影 星 八 卦上 。 那些 力 氣 和 錢 , 為 什 麼 不 拿 來 為 香 港 的 民 主 做 點 努 力 呢 ? 提 供 公 開 論 壇 , 激 發公 眾 辯論 , 挑 戰 政 府 決 策 , 培 養 年 輕 人 獨 立 批 判 精 神 . . . . . . 老 天 , 不 要 再 討論 禁 煙區 要 多 大 、 准 煙 牌 照 要 多 少 錢 , 比 這 重 要 的 事 , 太 多 了 吧 。 真 煩 。
你 的 安 德 烈
政 府 的 手 可 以 伸 多 長 ?
我 抽 煙 。 我 知 道 你 很 討 厭 我 抽 煙 , 我 也 認 為 這 是 個 很 糟 糕 的 習 慣 。 大 概 十 七歲 那 年開 始 的 , 但 是 究 竟 怎 麼 開 始 的 , 我 也 弄 不 清 楚 ─ ─ 因 為 朋 友 都 抽 所 以 抽 ? 功課 的 壓力 太 大 ? 太 無 聊 ? 或 者 就 是 為 了 想 試 試 看 大 人 說 不 好 的 東 西 究 竟 怎 樣 ? 可 能每 個 理由 都 多 多 少 少 有 一 點 。 反 正 結 果 就 是 , 我 上 癮 了 。
我 的 煙 友 們 其 實 都 開 始 得 比 我 早 , 大 部 分 在 十 二 、 三 歲 的 時 候 。 還 記 得 那個 時 候 我是 很 討 厭 別 人 抽 煙 的 , 討 厭 那 個 氣 味 。 最 火 大 的 是 , 大 夥 要 出 發 到 哪 兒 去時 , 總 要等 抽 煙 的 那 個 傢 伙 在 垃 圾 桶 前 把 他 的 那 支 煙 抽 完 。 其 實 到 今 天 , 我 還 是 不喜 歡 抽 煙這 回 事 的 : 我 的 喉 嚨 總 覺 得 不 舒 服 , 很 容 易 感 冒 , 衣 服 老 有 去 不 掉 的 煙 味, 我 容 易累 , 而 且 , 肺 癌 還 等 著 我 呢 。
可 是 , 有 什 麼 好 說 的 呢 ? 不 就 是 我 的 自 由 意 志 選 擇 了 抽 煙 然 後 又 缺 乏 意 志力 去 戒 掉它 。 如 果 有 意 志 力 , 我 早 就 戒 了 。 但 還 是 抽 。 原 因 是 , 每 一 支 煙 , 是 一 個小 小 的 休息 和 釋 放 。 我 喜 歡 離 開 我 的 書 本 , 站 到 陽 台 上 去 , 耳 機 裡 聽 著 一 首 好 聽 的歌 , 看 著海 面 上 大 船 緩 緩 駛 過 ─ ─ 點 上 一 根 煙 。 當 然 還 有 那 「 快 樂 似 神 仙 」 的 「 飯後 一 根 煙」 , 還 有 電 影 鏡 頭 裡 不 能 少 的 「 性 後 一 根 煙 」 。 一 根 煙 , 我 想 說 , 使 美 好的 一 刻 完整 了 。
所 以 對 我 而 言 , 明 知 抽 煙 不 好 , 但 那 是 一 個 個 人 的 自 由 選 擇 。
[b]政 府 鐵 金 剛
[/b]最 近 , 我 的 自 由 選 擇 被 剝 奪 了 。 二 零 零 七 年 一 月 一 日 零 時 , 香 港 開 始 在公 共 場所 禁 煙 。 政 府 的 說 法 是 , 為 了 防 止 二 手 煙 危 害 不 抽 煙 者 的 健 康 , 禁 煙 的 地 點包 括 公園 、 餐 廳 、 學 校 、 酒 吧 . . . . . . 當 然 包 括 了 我 的 大 學 。
我 一 點 也 不 意 外 。 這 正 是 兩 年 前 我 的 德 國 高 中 發 生 的 事 情 。 你 知 道 , 德 國法 律 規 定, 十 六 歲 以 上 的 人 抽 煙 飲 酒 是 合 法 的 , 所 以 大 部 分 的 高 中 都 劃 定 了 吸 煙 區, 學 生 在那 裡 吸 煙 。 但 是 在 二 零 零 四 年 黑 森 州 的 文 化 部 長 推 動 校 園 禁 煙 , 結 果 如 何呢 ? 我 們必 須 多 走 五 百 米 到 校 園 外 圍 的 人 行 道 上 去 吸 煙 。 我 們 同 學 裡 沒 一 個 人 戒 了煙 , 但 是學 校 外 圍 那 條 人 行 道 上 從 此 滿 地 是 煙 蒂 。
沒 多 久 , 全 德 國 都 要 在 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 了 。 所 以 , 在 禁 煙 的 作 為 上 , 香 港 和德 國 是 一樣 的 , 但 是 我 注 意 到 一 個 根 本 的 差 別 , 那 就 是 , 在 德 國 , 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 令下 來 之 前, 社 會 有 很 廣 泛 、 歷 時 很 長 的 辯 論 。 香 港 卻 沒 有 , 政 府 基 本 上 可 以 說 做 就做 , 而 且, 香 港 政 府 好 像 有 一 種 特 異 功 能 , 只 要 是 它 想 作 的 事 情 , 都 可 以 把 它 塑 造成 「 萬 眾一 心 」 的 樣 子 , 香 港 政 府 簡 直 是 個 所 向 無 敵 的 鐵 金 剛 。
如 果 你 問 我 , 我 是 否 對 禁 煙 政 策 不 滿 ? 當 然 , 因 為 現 在 我 必 須 繞 很 多 路 去抽 一 根 煙。 可 是 如 果 你 問 我 , 我 認 為 禁 煙 政 策 對 不 對 ? 我 會 說 , 當 然 對 , 沒 話 說 。我 喜 歡 煙霧 繚 繞 的 小 酒 館 或 酒 吧 , 因 為 那 是 一 種 迷 人 的 氣 氛 。 但 是 我 完 全 贊 成 在 餐廳 裡 禁 煙, 因 為 煙 味 會 破 壞 了 食 物 的 香 氣 , 我 心 甘 情 願 走 到 餐 廳 外 面 去 抽 煙 。 所 以說 來 說 去, 公 共 場 所 禁 煙 對 我 不 是 問 題 。 不 過 我 想 談 的 其 實 不 是 禁 煙 的 政 策 或 者 香港 強 大 的政 府 , 因 為 , 沒 有 普 選 , 反 正 你 拿 政 府 沒 辦 法 。
[b]媒 體 棄 守
[/b]我 想 跟 MM 表 達 的 是 , 我 對 香 港 的 媒 體 覺 得 很 奇 怪 。 香 港 沒 有 民 主 , 但是 有 自由 , 媒 體 的 獨 立 跟 批 判 精 神 , 還 是 被 容 許 的 吧 ? 公 共 場 所 應 不 應 該 禁 煙 , 在德 國 媒體 上 起 碼 辯 論 了 三 、 四 年 , 學 者 、 專 家 、 評 論 家 翻 來 覆 去 全 民 大 辯 論 。 香 港媒 體 上也 有 一 些 討 論 , 但 是 很 少 , 很 零 星 ─ ─ 當 然 , 我 主 要 說 的 是 兩 家 英 文 報 紙 ;而 且 ,你 知 道 嗎 ? 香 港 的 討 論 說 來 說 去 都 停 留 在 禁 煙 的 「 執 行 」 層 面 : 說 抽 煙 族 會跑 到 人行 道 上 去 抽 , 二 手 煙 的 問 題 能 不 能 解 決 , 說 酒 吧 餐 廳 可 以 怎 樣 領 到 「 准 煙 牌照 」 ,說 空 氣 污 染 會 不 會 變 好 。 可 是 我 很 少 看 見 有 什 麼 認 真 的 討 論 是 衝 著 「 公 民 權」 來 談的 。 問 題 的 核 心 反 而 好 像 沒 人 在 乎 : 政 府 應 不 應 該 有 這 樣 的 權 力 去 規 範 公 共空 間 的使 用 ? 政 府 有 沒 有 權 利 這 樣 高 姿 態 地 去 「 指 導 」 人 民 的 生 活 方 式 ? 不 吸 煙 的「 大 多數 」 有 沒 有 權 利 這 樣 去 壓 制 吸 煙 的 「 少 數 」 ?
嚼 檳 榔 的 人 , 是 否 政 府 也 該 管 呢 ? 以 此 類 推 , 不 刷 牙 的 人 , 用 了 馬 桶 不 抽 水 的 人 , 老 是 放 屁 的 人 . . . . . . 是 不 是 政 府 都 要 管 呢 ?
我 知 道 討 厭 煙 的 人 很 多 , 我 也 知 道 吸 煙 有 害 健 康 , 我 更 知 道 禁 煙 可 以 帶 來 比較 好 的空 氣 環 境 。 但 這 不 是 重 點 , 重 點 是 , 當 一 個 如 此 侵 犯 個 人 空 間 , 如 此 衝 著 弱小 族 群( 吸 煙 族 絕 對 是 「 弱 小 族 群 」 ) 而 來 的 法 要 通 過 時 , 你 會 以 為 , 這 個 社 會 裡的 自 由派 會 大 聲 抗 議 , 強 烈 反 對 , 要 求 辯 論 。 奇 怪 的 是 , 一 點 都 沒 有 。 MM 你 告 訴 我, 難道 香 港 沒 有 「 liberal 」 的 存 在 嗎 ? 我 讀 到 的 評 論 , 簡 直 像 中 學 生 的 作 文 : 先幾 句正 面 的 , 然 後 講 幾 句 負 面 的 , 然 後 一 個 軟 綿 綿 的 、 四 平 八 穩 的 總 結 。 媒 體 的 尖銳 批判 性 , 在 那 裡 啊 ?
[b]集 體 變 笨
[/b]這 麼 寫 , 會 讓 很 多 香 港 人 跳 起 來 。 我 其 實 一 點 也 不 想 說 德 國 多 麼 好 ─ ─ 他 們 搞爛 的 事 情 可 多 了 。 可 是 就 媒 體 而 言 , 每 個 報 紙 都 有 它 的 批 判 立 場 , 在 公 共 場所 禁 煙這 個 議 題 上 , 保 守 的 法 蘭 克 福 匯 報 和 激 進 的 柏 林 每 日 新 聞 就 會 有 截 然 不 同 的鮮 明 立場 。 我 訂 過 香 港 的 英 文 南 華 早 報 , 看 了 幾 個 禮 拜 以 後 就 退 報 了 。 我 要 的 是 一份 報 紙, 對 於 香 港 的 事 情 有 深 入 的 分 析 和 個 性 鮮 明 而 獨 立 的 評 論 , 可 是 我 發 現 報 紙的 內 容和 電 視 新 聞 基 本 上 差 別 不 大 , 多 半 也 只 是 浮 面 報 導 而 已 。 那 我 何 不 脆 看 看 電視 新聞 就 算 了 。
你 大 概 要 說 , 是 因 為 長 期 的 殖 民 , 缺 民 主 的 環 境 和 素 養 , 所 以 會 這 樣 。 我想 問 的 是, 那 改 變 要 從 那 裡 開 始 呢 ? 報 攤 上 花 花 綠 綠 的 雜 誌 報 紙 , 大 多 是 影 星 藝 人的 私 生 活探 密 , 不 然 就 是 飲 食 、 賭 馬 跟 名 流 時 尚 。 MM , 如 果 媒 體 不 維 持 一 種 高 度 的批 判 精神 , 一 個 社 會 是 可 以 集 體 變 「 笨 」 的 是 不 是 ? 香 港 的 媒 體 在 做 什 麼 呢 ? 我 看見 很 多香 港 人 很 辛 苦 地 在 爭 取 普 選 , 可 是 媒 體 還 是 把 最 大 的 力 氣 和 錢 花 在 影 星 八 卦上 。 那些 力 氣 和 錢 , 為 什 麼 不 拿 來 為 香 港 的 民 主 做 點 努 力 呢 ? 提 供 公 開 論 壇 , 激 發公 眾 辯論 , 挑 戰 政 府 決 策 , 培 養 年 輕 人 獨 立 批 判 精 神 . . . . . . 老 天 , 不 要 再 討論 禁 煙區 要 多 大 、 准 煙 牌 照 要 多 少 錢 , 比 這 重 要 的 事 , 太 多 了 吧 。 真 煩 。
你 的 安 德 烈
Friday, August 07, 2009
近日被政府盯中的是許志永先生和他所領導的「公盟」。公盟是由一群關注中國發展的律師及學者所組成的民間組織,他們透過學術研究就國家的法制改革提 出一些意見和建議,推動國家實現民主法治。他們另一項為國人所熟知的工作,是為一些弱勢群眾如上訪者、被徵地者、毒奶粉案的受害者等等提供法律援助,幫助 他們透過現有的司法制度去取得公義。單從近日稅局搜查後曾獲得幫助的民眾紛紛勇敢地到公盟辦事處聲援一事,任誰也看到「公盟」是站在人民那邊的!為何溫總 理你所領導的政府仍要做出這件不合民情的事呢?
據我所知,「公盟」的工作是非牟利的,他們曾經想登記為民辦非企業單位,但遭到當局拒絕,被迫申請為有限公司。在國際社會,這種團體並不需交稅,而 其捐獻者更能獲得免稅優惠。但由於公盟的成員是守法的律師,明知制度的不合理仍舊依規定納稅。在被稅局指控漏報稅項時,亦坦誠地承認錯誤。為何溫總理你所 領導的政府仍要向他們徵收最高的罰款,並過分地在公盟辦事處以「搜證」為名而檢走所有維權資料呢?更令人感到無法理解的是,許志永先生突然在召開第二輪聽 證會之前,遭公安與便衣從家中帶走,並扣留在看守所中,不能與家人及律師聯絡,同時更要公盟關閉其網頁,這實在是對公民基本權利的無理剝奪。
溫總理,你經常說要「依法執政」、「依法治國」,我想請問你一下,執法機關是根據哪一條法例去帶走許先生的?我對中國法律的認識十分膚淺,但仍知道 憲法是國家的根本大法,具有最高的法律效力。在我國憲法的第35條列明,中華人民共和國公民有言論、結社的自由,第37條更清楚指出中華人民共和國公民的 人身自由不受侵犯,禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剝奪或者限制公民的人身自由。就我對上述條文的理解,我認為許先生現在應該可以自由地留在家或身處辦公室 辦事的。
今年4月,我和其他同學到北京考察交流時,有幸在未被搜查的公盟辦事處與許先生談論中國政治。看見他願意無私地為中國在法治民主領域上努力,並對於 中國的未來充滿了希望,令我深受感動。猶記得考察時,我們曾到過永定門內國務院信訪辦的門前,親眼目睹不少惡形惡相的截訪者和情可憐的上訪者。因此,在 傾談中有同學便問了許先生一句「為何中央政府會容忍那些截訪者存在呢?」你知道許先生怎樣答嗎?他說上訪人數遠遠超過信訪部門所能承受,所以中央政府亦唯 有容許截訪者存在,以免信訪部門的工作量極嚴重超標。在訪問中他多次提醒我們中國政府已很努力,要對政府有多點耐性。
溫總理,我真的十分不解為何你們的心如此的狠。為何要用這方法去對付這樣一個體諒政府、理性論政的學者呢?他所做的事只是在現有的遊戲規則下安分守 己地為弱者去爭取憲法賦予的權利。他做的事情無一不是愛國為民!為何中央連這樣的一個人物也不能放過呢?為何不容許他和公盟透過公開公正的司法程序去處理 這事呢?
鄭詠欣 敬上
我想像有人會問,鄭詠欣妳這個小女生,憑什麼挑戰一個國家的總理?促使一個國家作決定時的種種複雜原因妳究竟明白多少?為什麼妳要好管閒事?答案的重點,關係到兩個字 – 良心。而且,這些事一點也不閒,用內地的術語,這是反映一個國家有沒有足夠的軟實力。
近日被政府盯中的是許志永先生和他所領導的「公盟」。公盟是由一群關注中國發展的律師及學者所組成的民間組織,他們透過學術研究就國家的法制改革提 出一些意見和建議,推動國家實現民主法治。他們另一項為國人所熟知的工作,是為一些弱勢群眾如上訪者、被徵地者、毒奶粉案的受害者等等提供法律援助,幫助 他們透過現有的司法制度去取得公義。單從近日稅局搜查後曾獲得幫助的民眾紛紛勇敢地到公盟辦事處聲援一事,任誰也看到「公盟」是站在人民那邊的!為何溫總 理你所領導的政府仍要做出這件不合民情的事呢?
據我所知,「公盟」的工作是非牟利的,他們曾經想登記為民辦非企業單位,但遭到當局拒絕,被迫申請為有限公司。在國際社會,這種團體並不需交稅,而 其捐獻者更能獲得免稅優惠。但由於公盟的成員是守法的律師,明知制度的不合理仍舊依規定納稅。在被稅局指控漏報稅項時,亦坦誠地承認錯誤。為何溫總理你所 領導的政府仍要向他們徵收最高的罰款,並過分地在公盟辦事處以「搜證」為名而檢走所有維權資料呢?更令人感到無法理解的是,許志永先生突然在召開第二輪聽 證會之前,遭公安與便衣從家中帶走,並扣留在看守所中,不能與家人及律師聯絡,同時更要公盟關閉其網頁,這實在是對公民基本權利的無理剝奪。
溫總理,你經常說要「依法執政」、「依法治國」,我想請問你一下,執法機關是根據哪一條法例去帶走許先生的?我對中國法律的認識十分膚淺,但仍知道 憲法是國家的根本大法,具有最高的法律效力。在我國憲法的第35條列明,中華人民共和國公民有言論、結社的自由,第37條更清楚指出中華人民共和國公民的 人身自由不受侵犯,禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剝奪或者限制公民的人身自由。就我對上述條文的理解,我認為許先生現在應該可以自由地留在家或身處辦公室 辦事的。
今年4月,我和其他同學到北京考察交流時,有幸在未被搜查的公盟辦事處與許先生談論中國政治。看見他願意無私地為中國在法治民主領域上努力,並對於 中國的未來充滿了希望,令我深受感動。猶記得考察時,我們曾到過永定門內國務院信訪辦的門前,親眼目睹不少惡形惡相的截訪者和情可憐的上訪者。因此,在 傾談中有同學便問了許先生一句「為何中央政府會容忍那些截訪者存在呢?」你知道許先生怎樣答嗎?他說上訪人數遠遠超過信訪部門所能承受,所以中央政府亦唯 有容許截訪者存在,以免信訪部門的工作量極嚴重超標。在訪問中他多次提醒我們中國政府已很努力,要對政府有多點耐性。
溫總理,我真的十分不解為何你們的心如此的狠。為何要用這方法去對付這樣一個體諒政府、理性論政的學者呢?他所做的事只是在現有的遊戲規則下安分守 己地為弱者去爭取憲法賦予的權利。他做的事情無一不是愛國為民!為何中央連這樣的一個人物也不能放過呢?為何不容許他和公盟透過公開公正的司法程序去處理 這事呢?
鄭詠欣 敬上
我想像有人會問,鄭詠欣妳這個小女生,憑什麼挑戰一個國家的總理?促使一個國家作決定時的種種複雜原因妳究竟明白多少?為什麼妳要好管閒事?答案的重點,關係到兩個字 – 良心。而且,這些事一點也不閒,用內地的術語,這是反映一個國家有沒有足夠的軟實力。
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Results a morale booster at Zheng Sheng
Went to Cheung Chau early morning yesterday for the result release of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination. Eleven students of Zheng Sheng College, the city’s only drug rehabilitation school, took part in the exam this year. Again, there are some touching stories.
Let me talk about the location of the college. The main campus is located in Chi Ma Wan. Reaching there is quite a complicated process. First, you need to go to Cheung Chau by boat. Then, you need to get on to a connecting sampan to reach the college.
There was heavy rain yesterday. The connecting sampan could not reach the college because of strong tidal wave. Some of the students could not get their result slips in the morning.
This again proves that the college needs relocation very urgently. Would the Heung Yee Kuk and Mui Wo Rural Committee stop being ridiculous and drag on the relocation problem? Please, let the college relocate immediately.
Here is the story
Results a morale booster at Zheng Sheng
HONG KONG: HKCEE results proved the makings of an exciting day for students trying to put their lives back together at the city’s only drug rehabilitation school.
Students at Christian Zheng Sheng College didn’t qualify for Secondary Six admission, but to the 11 students from the school who sat the exam, the results were something to treasure.
The youngsters felt they had made a remarkable achievement, and at the same time, proved to their families that they are reforming.
The college’s highest achiever was 20-year-old Auyeung Pui-lam, who came to the college four years ago after a conviction for theft. He scored eight points on the exam, passing all seven subjects for which he sat.
“I got all passes. I have not expected that. I have passed the one worrying me most, English,” Auyeung yelled over the phone to his mother.
Auyeung had worried that he would not get his results slip yesterday because of the heavy weather. He said he prayed Tuesday night, and woke up at 5:40 am yesterday. When he got the results, tears came to his eyes.
“My effort is not wasted,” he said.
Auyeung want to offer the slip as a gift to his deceased grandmother, who reminded him always to study hard. The one-time problem youngster once considered giving up. The example of Zheng Sheng graduate Wilson Wong, who will enter Lingnan University to study accounting in September, proved an inspiration. “I would not be who I am today without the help of Zheng Sheng,” he said.
Auyeung decided to pursue career development for a few years before going back to his studies.
A tearful Auyeung Pui-lam and the college principal Alman Chan Siu-cheuk
Thirty-year-old student Tsang Wai-ngor looked disappointed after learning about her result. She scored zero points in the exam, well below her expectations. She had hoped she could pass the Chinese Language exam.
Tsang has been through difficult times in her life. She abused drugs for a long time before pledging to quit the habit when she came to rehab and accepted Christianity. A romantic entanglement pushed her right back into drugs.
Adding to her feelings of despair, her mother and younger brother were killed in 2003. One year later, determined to reform, she entered Zheng Sheng.
Tsang found studying extremely difficult. Her ability to concentrate was impaired by her past history of drug abuse. She is still on meditations to cure systemic lupus erythematosus and the effects of drug abuse.
“I keep thinking about my mother whenever I face difficulties,” she said. “I think she would be happy about what I become now.”
Let me talk about the location of the college. The main campus is located in Chi Ma Wan. Reaching there is quite a complicated process. First, you need to go to Cheung Chau by boat. Then, you need to get on to a connecting sampan to reach the college.
There was heavy rain yesterday. The connecting sampan could not reach the college because of strong tidal wave. Some of the students could not get their result slips in the morning.
This again proves that the college needs relocation very urgently. Would the Heung Yee Kuk and Mui Wo Rural Committee stop being ridiculous and drag on the relocation problem? Please, let the college relocate immediately.
Here is the story
Results a morale booster at Zheng Sheng
HONG KONG: HKCEE results proved the makings of an exciting day for students trying to put their lives back together at the city’s only drug rehabilitation school.
Students at Christian Zheng Sheng College didn’t qualify for Secondary Six admission, but to the 11 students from the school who sat the exam, the results were something to treasure.
The youngsters felt they had made a remarkable achievement, and at the same time, proved to their families that they are reforming.
The college’s highest achiever was 20-year-old Auyeung Pui-lam, who came to the college four years ago after a conviction for theft. He scored eight points on the exam, passing all seven subjects for which he sat.
“I got all passes. I have not expected that. I have passed the one worrying me most, English,” Auyeung yelled over the phone to his mother.
Auyeung had worried that he would not get his results slip yesterday because of the heavy weather. He said he prayed Tuesday night, and woke up at 5:40 am yesterday. When he got the results, tears came to his eyes.
“My effort is not wasted,” he said.
Auyeung want to offer the slip as a gift to his deceased grandmother, who reminded him always to study hard. The one-time problem youngster once considered giving up. The example of Zheng Sheng graduate Wilson Wong, who will enter Lingnan University to study accounting in September, proved an inspiration. “I would not be who I am today without the help of Zheng Sheng,” he said.
Auyeung decided to pursue career development for a few years before going back to his studies.
A tearful Auyeung Pui-lam and the college principal Alman Chan Siu-cheuk
Thirty-year-old student Tsang Wai-ngor looked disappointed after learning about her result. She scored zero points in the exam, well below her expectations. She had hoped she could pass the Chinese Language exam.
Tsang has been through difficult times in her life. She abused drugs for a long time before pledging to quit the habit when she came to rehab and accepted Christianity. A romantic entanglement pushed her right back into drugs.
Adding to her feelings of despair, her mother and younger brother were killed in 2003. One year later, determined to reform, she entered Zheng Sheng.
Tsang found studying extremely difficult. Her ability to concentrate was impaired by her past history of drug abuse. She is still on meditations to cure systemic lupus erythematosus and the effects of drug abuse.
“I keep thinking about my mother whenever I face difficulties,” she said. “I think she would be happy about what I become now.”
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Books 書
The annual book fair has just concluded on Tuesday. I have tons of unread books. I purchased these books because I thought I would love reading them, but put them to the bookshelf after flipping not more than 20 pages.
Don’t wanna to buy books that I will not read. I am refrained from buying books after merely a glance of the covers.
I have bought seven books, of which five are about my favourite subjects. These books are The Reader (I like the movie very much), 村上春樹(Murakami Haruki)的「關於跑步,我說的其實是……」,莊曉陽(Chong Hiu-yeung)的「42公里的風光」(Chong is a reporter. I buy this book because the stories in his blog are good and I am interested in the scenery and people of other countries),一本名為「愛國無罪」的書及李鵬飛回憶錄(Two books only cost HK$5)
And I have bought a book named The Reluctant Fundamentalist. I have read a shortened Chinese translation of the story online already.
My friend Matt bought me a bag of coffee powder from Vietnam and the filter. I am making Vietnam coffee for dinner at office. The quality is not as good as what I have tasted in restaurants.
I need a book about making coffee.
Don’t wanna to buy books that I will not read. I am refrained from buying books after merely a glance of the covers.
I have bought seven books, of which five are about my favourite subjects. These books are The Reader (I like the movie very much), 村上春樹(Murakami Haruki)的「關於跑步,我說的其實是……」,莊曉陽(Chong Hiu-yeung)的「42公里的風光」(Chong is a reporter. I buy this book because the stories in his blog are good and I am interested in the scenery and people of other countries),一本名為「愛國無罪」的書及李鵬飛回憶錄(Two books only cost HK$5)
And I have bought a book named The Reluctant Fundamentalist. I have read a shortened Chinese translation of the story online already.
My friend Matt bought me a bag of coffee powder from Vietnam and the filter. I am making Vietnam coffee for dinner at office. The quality is not as good as what I have tasted in restaurants.
I need a book about making coffee.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
飯茶,按摩(嘉洋城/ 不錯)再晚飯(毛家菜,6個人才295元,好食及便宜)及唱K。
飯茶,按摩(嘉洋城/ 不錯)再晚飯(毛家菜,6個人才295元,好食及便宜)及唱K。
Monday, July 06, 2009
More Songs by Gurrumul Yunupingu
11 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wirrpanu.mp3 -
Yi, yi, yi, yi
The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
Dhanurryuna threw it, the python Garrawananu Liliplyana
Yi, yi, yi, yi
Dad to dad, when will we return to Dhamdham (Goulburn)
Because the time for thunder is here
Come let’s return to Mawi
The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
The thunder sent his mind back, the python Garrawananu Lilipiyana
06 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Marwurrumburr.mp3 -
now it has cooled, the country
his night has come for ..
ya, ya, ya, the cat
also he will, climb into funeral shelter
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri
the scent of the smelt by Wtitj
the scent of the smelt by Wtitj
Bininyala ya, ya the cat
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
11 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wirrpanu.mp3 -
Yi, yi, yi, yi
The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
Dhanurryuna threw it, the python Garrawananu Liliplyana
Yi, yi, yi, yi
Dad to dad, when will we return to Dhamdham (Goulburn)
Because the time for thunder is here
Come let’s return to Mawi
The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
The thunder sent his mind back, the python Garrawananu Lilipiyana
06 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Marwurrumburr.mp3 -
now it has cooled, the country
his night has come for ..
ya, ya, ya, the cat
also he will, climb into funeral shelter
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri
the scent of the smelt by Wtitj
the scent of the smelt by Wtitj
Bininyala ya, ya the cat
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Everyone makes mistake
The controversy over Christian Zheng Sheng College, the city only private boarding school for young drug abusers, goes on and on over the past weeks. It is late for me to write on that topic, again. I have been locked inside the court room for almost the whole week and I just don’t have the time to write.
The college in Chi Ma Wan is in an urgent need to relocate because its campus is overcrowded (120 students at the capacity of 60) and shabby. Residents of Mui Wo, the site where the college applied to use, strongly opposed the college application. They say they support rehabilitation services, but they also need to use the site for education of their own children and they fear that the “drug addicts” will impose negative influence on the community. They somehow show the “Not In My Backyard” mentality.
I paid a visit to the college last Saturday for a story. The college is running down. No hot water is available for bathing and it is overcrowded.
I did not need to go through security checks to enter the college. No one accompanied me walking around – I could walk freely inside the campus WITHOUT fearing that the students might do something harmful to me.
Students are preparing food.
Here is the story.
Getting back to the straight and narrow
There are no security checks for visitors at Christian Zheng Sheng College in Chi Ma Wan. Visitors can go unescorted, wherever they choose on the campus, where young drug abusers are undergoing rehabilitation. Visitors may even take photos of students.
It’s the city’s only private boarding school for young drug abusers.
Though many of the students have committed crimes that go beyond the taking of drugs, they are treated with respect and expected to take responsibility for themselves.
He is the first student greeting me.
Principal Alman Chan Siu-cheuk stresses that students are not incarcerated and should not be considered inmates, though most have been referred by probation officers for stays of about 30 months.
“We are not afraid that the students will be in dispute with visitors. We are confident about our students,” he said. “They are empowered if we stress that they are just students who made mistakes, but not inmates who committed crimes. The students’ identity motivates them to work hard for exams and integrate with community.”
Lau Yin-chun, a 17-year-old who is at the college for three months after committing theft, wants to be thought of as any other normal person.
“I was a set of numbers in the rehabilitation center where I stayed before coming here. Now, people call me by my name,” said Yin-chun, who did not hesitate to open up when he was approached by a reporter.
The school does not use medications in its rehabilitation therapy. Responsibility and self-discipline are the cornerstones to the treatment. The 120 students of the college get up every morning at 6:30. They have morning assembly and Bible reading. By lunch time they have put in three hours of academic study. After lunch they work another three hours and have a couple of hours of free time before dinner. Bed time is 10 pm.Students and teachers share dormitories and the bathrooms which have no hot water.
The shelves will collapse during heavy rains and typhoons.
Students do their own cooking and laundry. Part of their responsibilities require that they help clean up the grounds and assist in renovations. The place is short on regular facilities.
One project took several years as students of succeeding classes removed rocks from an outdoor basketball court. It proved to be good endurance training. They work side by side with teachers, feeling more like equals than subordinates or inferiors. There are no special privileges for teachers.
“The senior students who are the leaders are often the last ones to receive gifts. They are serving others and taking more responsibility,” Chan said.
There’s also some vocational in addition to academic studies. There’s pizza making, photography, video production, design and logistics. Some teaching facilities are pretty sub-standard. A lot of chairs are broken. On the other hand by not replacing broken chairs the school has been able to buy state-of-the-art equipment rarely seen in mainstream schools. The 20 MacBook Pro computers, the HK$48,000 camera and the HK$18,000 lens are some examples.
“I cut staff pay for that. Teachers here are only paid 60 percent of salary offered by other schools,” said Chan whose pay is also 40 percent less. The Christian Zheng Sheng Association has businesses in Cheung Chau, including a pizza shop and tea house. It gets orders for producing videos, T-shirts, and printing names on mobile phone. Even the Macao government asked the association to produce a video about taking drugs.
Students are heading to Cheung Chau for video production.
The businesses have an annual turnover of about HK$1 million.
“We are a social enterprise,” Chan said, adding that students emerging from the school will become more competitive in the job market because of the training they have received.
There are other advantages. Some students were taken on an exchange visit to the United States. Chan said more than 70 percent of the school’s graduates do not return to drugs. “They dare to face the camera. They are achievers. They do not consider themselves criminals,” Chan said.
I am impressed by the students and the staff of the college. I hope the college will continue being blessed no matter whether they will move to Mui Wo. It is expected that the students and staff are under pressure to continue performing well. Given that huge support for the college is pouring, a single and minor mistake can of the college will disappoint many and jeopardize the college image.
Everyone makes mistakes, and they should be welcomed if they have corrected.
The college in Chi Ma Wan is in an urgent need to relocate because its campus is overcrowded (120 students at the capacity of 60) and shabby. Residents of Mui Wo, the site where the college applied to use, strongly opposed the college application. They say they support rehabilitation services, but they also need to use the site for education of their own children and they fear that the “drug addicts” will impose negative influence on the community. They somehow show the “Not In My Backyard” mentality.
I paid a visit to the college last Saturday for a story. The college is running down. No hot water is available for bathing and it is overcrowded.
I did not need to go through security checks to enter the college. No one accompanied me walking around – I could walk freely inside the campus WITHOUT fearing that the students might do something harmful to me.
Students are preparing food.
Here is the story.
Getting back to the straight and narrow
There are no security checks for visitors at Christian Zheng Sheng College in Chi Ma Wan. Visitors can go unescorted, wherever they choose on the campus, where young drug abusers are undergoing rehabilitation. Visitors may even take photos of students.
It’s the city’s only private boarding school for young drug abusers.
Though many of the students have committed crimes that go beyond the taking of drugs, they are treated with respect and expected to take responsibility for themselves.
He is the first student greeting me.
Principal Alman Chan Siu-cheuk stresses that students are not incarcerated and should not be considered inmates, though most have been referred by probation officers for stays of about 30 months.
“We are not afraid that the students will be in dispute with visitors. We are confident about our students,” he said. “They are empowered if we stress that they are just students who made mistakes, but not inmates who committed crimes. The students’ identity motivates them to work hard for exams and integrate with community.”
Lau Yin-chun, a 17-year-old who is at the college for three months after committing theft, wants to be thought of as any other normal person.
“I was a set of numbers in the rehabilitation center where I stayed before coming here. Now, people call me by my name,” said Yin-chun, who did not hesitate to open up when he was approached by a reporter.
The school does not use medications in its rehabilitation therapy. Responsibility and self-discipline are the cornerstones to the treatment. The 120 students of the college get up every morning at 6:30. They have morning assembly and Bible reading. By lunch time they have put in three hours of academic study. After lunch they work another three hours and have a couple of hours of free time before dinner. Bed time is 10 pm.Students and teachers share dormitories and the bathrooms which have no hot water.
The shelves will collapse during heavy rains and typhoons.
Students do their own cooking and laundry. Part of their responsibilities require that they help clean up the grounds and assist in renovations. The place is short on regular facilities.
One project took several years as students of succeeding classes removed rocks from an outdoor basketball court. It proved to be good endurance training. They work side by side with teachers, feeling more like equals than subordinates or inferiors. There are no special privileges for teachers.
“The senior students who are the leaders are often the last ones to receive gifts. They are serving others and taking more responsibility,” Chan said.
There’s also some vocational in addition to academic studies. There’s pizza making, photography, video production, design and logistics. Some teaching facilities are pretty sub-standard. A lot of chairs are broken. On the other hand by not replacing broken chairs the school has been able to buy state-of-the-art equipment rarely seen in mainstream schools. The 20 MacBook Pro computers, the HK$48,000 camera and the HK$18,000 lens are some examples.
“I cut staff pay for that. Teachers here are only paid 60 percent of salary offered by other schools,” said Chan whose pay is also 40 percent less. The Christian Zheng Sheng Association has businesses in Cheung Chau, including a pizza shop and tea house. It gets orders for producing videos, T-shirts, and printing names on mobile phone. Even the Macao government asked the association to produce a video about taking drugs.
Students are heading to Cheung Chau for video production.
The businesses have an annual turnover of about HK$1 million.
“We are a social enterprise,” Chan said, adding that students emerging from the school will become more competitive in the job market because of the training they have received.
There are other advantages. Some students were taken on an exchange visit to the United States. Chan said more than 70 percent of the school’s graduates do not return to drugs. “They dare to face the camera. They are achievers. They do not consider themselves criminals,” Chan said.
I am impressed by the students and the staff of the college. I hope the college will continue being blessed no matter whether they will move to Mui Wo. It is expected that the students and staff are under pressure to continue performing well. Given that huge support for the college is pouring, a single and minor mistake can of the college will disappoint many and jeopardize the college image.
Everyone makes mistakes, and they should be welcomed if they have corrected.
Estate battle
The most important witness of the Nina Wang estate battle started giving evidence this week. This means my “tragedy” has started. I have to arrive at the High Court at 7am everyday – three hours before the hearing starts – in order to get a seat in the small and heavily packed court room. The hearing ends at 4:30pm, and I have to write the stories until 10:30pm.
In addition to the long working hours, the content of the hearings is really something that I can't bear.
Chan, a married man, already started an affair with Wang and living in Wang’s quarters when his wife was bearing his first son.
Chan named his son “Wealthee” because his mother moved to a luxury housing unit “Wealthy Heights” and he believed “Wealthee” meant a man of blessing.
Then, we hear that Wang would burn real bank notes for fun, and Wang would call Chan as “Hubby Pig” and “Hubby Kin”. Chan had his “first occasion” with Wang in 1992, and they recreated the “first occasion” every night.
The hearing goes on and one with Chan saying his identity as a fung shui master is just a smokescreen covering his secret intimate relationship with Wang and denying that he is a eunuch.
Part of the transcript of a video taken by Chan to prove his relationship with Wang was read out in the court. Chan said the word “beautiful” for more than 40 times. One of the sentences is “真係好靚嘅。好靚,好靚,好靚,好靚,好靚,真係好靚,啊,好靚。你可以--係呀,真係好靚。所以 呢套衫真係好靚嘅,影得你。Oh, really very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Oh, Very beautiful. You can….really very beautiful. You look really very beautiful in that outfit.”
I shivered when I was hearing the terms like “Hubby Pig” and writing.
In addition to the long working hours, the content of the hearings is really something that I can't bear.
Chan, a married man, already started an affair with Wang and living in Wang’s quarters when his wife was bearing his first son.
Chan named his son “Wealthee” because his mother moved to a luxury housing unit “Wealthy Heights” and he believed “Wealthee” meant a man of blessing.
Then, we hear that Wang would burn real bank notes for fun, and Wang would call Chan as “Hubby Pig” and “Hubby Kin”. Chan had his “first occasion” with Wang in 1992, and they recreated the “first occasion” every night.
The hearing goes on and one with Chan saying his identity as a fung shui master is just a smokescreen covering his secret intimate relationship with Wang and denying that he is a eunuch.
Part of the transcript of a video taken by Chan to prove his relationship with Wang was read out in the court. Chan said the word “beautiful” for more than 40 times. One of the sentences is “真係好靚嘅。好靚,好靚,好靚,好靚,好靚,真係好靚,啊,好靚。你可以--係呀,真係好靚。所以 呢套衫真係好靚嘅,影得你。Oh, really very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Very beautiful. Oh, Very beautiful. You can….really very beautiful. You look really very beautiful in that outfit.”
I shivered when I was hearing the terms like “Hubby Pig” and writing.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Two songs by an Australian aboriginal singer
Teoh recently sent me two songs by Australian aboriginal musician Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu. Excellent piece. Calm me down when I am tensed.
1) Wiyathul
Wiarthul - Gurrumul Yunupingu
English Translation.
Two scrub fowl crying out, looking for Guwalilna
the calls like women crying, looking for Murrurrnawu
the cries returning his mind to the jungles at Mutimutina
oh place Guwalilna, Warradika, Yumayna, m…m
Oh the old man cries, from this drink
oh dad Kampa-Djundjuna, home Mayan-naraka bright in his mind
oh my two mums, beloved mums, hold Ruypu Milinditj
oh my two mums, beloved mums, cry for the sacred spring Burarrapu
oh the place Guwalilna, Warradika, Yumayna, m...m
*Djilawurr, the orange footed scrub fowl are family and relatives to the Gumatj Nation
2) Gurrumul History (I was born blind)
Gurrumul - Gurrumul Yunupingu
English Translation
I was born blind, and I don’t know why
God knows why, because he loves me so
as I grew up, my spirit knew
then I learnt to read the world of destruction
united we stand, divided we fall
together we’ll stand, in solidarity
Narranydja dhuwala Batuman (I am ancestor)
Narranydja dhuwala Diarrami (I am ancestor)
Narranydja dhuwala Djenarra
Narranydja dhuwala Gurrumulna (I am ancestor)
I heard my mama, and my papa
crying their hearts in confusion
how can I walk? Straight and tall
in society please hold my hand
trying to bridge and build Yolnu culture
I’ve been to New York
I’ve been to LA
I’ve been to London
narranydja Gurrumul
United we stand, divided we fall
together we’ll stand in solidarity
Narranydja dhuwala Barrupa
narranydja dhuwala Dhukulul
narranydja dhuwala Maralitja
narranydja dhuwala Nunbununbu
Y…e, wo wanawu Garrapala (of the country Garapala)
Dhamutjpirr, Dhamunura
1) Wiyathul
Wiarthul - Gurrumul Yunupingu
English Translation.
Two scrub fowl crying out, looking for Guwalilna
the calls like women crying, looking for Murrurrnawu
the cries returning his mind to the jungles at Mutimutina
oh place Guwalilna, Warradika, Yumayna, m…m
Oh the old man cries, from this drink
oh dad Kampa-Djundjuna, home Mayan-naraka bright in his mind
oh my two mums, beloved mums, hold Ruypu Milinditj
oh my two mums, beloved mums, cry for the sacred spring Burarrapu
oh the place Guwalilna, Warradika, Yumayna, m...m
*Djilawurr, the orange footed scrub fowl are family and relatives to the Gumatj Nation
2) Gurrumul History (I was born blind)
Gurrumul - Gurrumul Yunupingu
English Translation
I was born blind, and I don’t know why
God knows why, because he loves me so
as I grew up, my spirit knew
then I learnt to read the world of destruction
united we stand, divided we fall
together we’ll stand, in solidarity
Narranydja dhuwala Batuman (I am ancestor)
Narranydja dhuwala Diarrami (I am ancestor)
Narranydja dhuwala Djenarra
Narranydja dhuwala Gurrumulna (I am ancestor)
I heard my mama, and my papa
crying their hearts in confusion
how can I walk? Straight and tall
in society please hold my hand
trying to bridge and build Yolnu culture
I’ve been to New York
I’ve been to LA
I’ve been to London
narranydja Gurrumul
United we stand, divided we fall
together we’ll stand in solidarity
Narranydja dhuwala Barrupa
narranydja dhuwala Dhukulul
narranydja dhuwala Maralitja
narranydja dhuwala Nunbununbu
Y…e, wo wanawu Garrapala (of the country Garapala)
Dhamutjpirr, Dhamunura
Friday, June 05, 2009
20 Years
Remarks: This article, a long piece, is not well written. It is not insightful and there is no new view offered. But I have to stress that I write it sincerely (not suggesting that I am not serious to the other pieces I have written) and wholeheartedly.
I am very glad that there is no significant development in Nina Wang estate battle today. I can manage to finish work earlier and arrive at Victoria Park at around 9pm.
I cannot manage to get inside the Victoria Park. I can only stand in the outer area.
I can neither see what's happening inside the park nor hear what the people on stage are talking about. But I am excited, really excited, when I heard Szeto Wah announcing that there are 150,000 people attending the candle light vigil for June 4. I should be glad that I can only manage to get into the outer area because it is an indication that there are really many people showing up. It is a record-breaking turnout.
I am just one of the small persons in the large crowd, but the power of this large crowd of small persons can make history and show the world that we have not forgotten even though the government wants us to forget.
I am glad that I was among one of them, paying respect to June 4 victims. In Hong Kong.
I keep recalling what has happened to me over the past 20 years these days. I was just a primary school student spending most of my time doing homework and playing video games. Similar to my classmates, I just did not care what was reported in the newspapers and TV.
What happened exactly this month two decades ago changed the way I and my classmates behave. We read newspapers and listened to radio news in schools even though the content was complicated and incomprehensible to us. In class, the teachers put aside the textbooks and told students about what was happening in Beijing. Some even broke down to tears before the students.
We understood that there were a large group of students living far away from us demanding better changes.
Back home, I watched TV news with my family. My brother, who is four years older than me, took to the street. The whole family watched and recorded the marathon concert 民主歌聲獻中華 (Concert for Democracy in China).
We always heard of the serious corruption in China. I got an impression that those living on the mainland were poor and backward, which is the reason for my father coming to Hong Kong. Seeing the students on hunger strike, we knew that there were people with true compassions fighting to make the nation a better living place. Hope. We really hoped that the nation would get rid of problems and better respect its people. The hope was growing stronger and stronger. Until it was crushed on June 4.
Throughout these 20 years, there are many changes in the society. My parents have not talked about June 4. My brother, who took to the street two decades ago, even believes that the crackdown is helpful to China’s present development.
Our schools do not about June 4. The history textbooks only briefly mention about it. Teachers are reluctant to talk about it. Students are unaware of it.
I am more aware that the students’ leaders have made mistakes and I was somehow affected by the negative comments against those who escaped to overseas countries. I was puzzled why some people always took to the street to express what they want and why some people gathered in Victoria Park year after year demanding a vindication of June 4. Yes, it is a tragedy and it is sad that the students died. But what’s the point of the vindication? How can the vindication “benefit” me? Shouldn’t we let bygones be bygones and move “forward”?
When I think deeper into it, I understand more. I am not saying that I got a very in-depth understanding of the nation and Hong Kong. I am still not familiar with China’s political and economic system.
China’s economic development is amazing. The living standard of many people has improved. China’s rapid growth is increasingly important to the future of Hong Kong. The nation has also made some tremendous developments. The space missions and the Beijing Olympics are among them.
However, we should not forget that the nation has impressed many with its problems. Put it sarcastically, we have learned melamine from the contaminated milk and other chemicals from other products scandals. We have learned how the poor people have their interest ignored because of corruption. We have learned that Chinese people are generous and sympathetic to the people in need from last year Sichuan’s earthquake, but we have also learned that how inhumane and uncivilized the government is as parents of children died from sub-standard schools are banned from expressing their grievances and no officials are held accountable for the construction of those schools.
And on this special day, we have learned from news that a sister whose brother was killed 20 years ago is banned from paying tribute. And we have the following item that makes me feel ashamed and question whether we really have a civilized history of 5,000 years.
Yes, we have to move forward. But how can we actually move forward if we do not dare to face and settle our past. Yes, China’s economic development is rapid. But that does not mean that we have to support and accept what we believe is immoral and wrong. Yes, the students’ leaders 20 years ago had erred. But this is not a justification for sending troops and tanks against the people. Yes, we have long history and our ancestors have taught us many good lessons that can convince other nations to respect us. But we have to stop all the ridiculous incidents if we want to make people respect not only our economic power. Yes, it is painful recalling the tragedy of June 4. But how can we teach history to our children and ask other people to respect history if we are not courageous enough to face our ugly past. Yes, we have seen corrupt and bad officials being arrested and removed from office. But there will be corrupted officials coming to power if we do not improve our system. Yes, there is no perfect system in the world and all countries have their own problem. But striving for excellence should always be our dream and ideal. Yes, we are benefited from the nation’s development. But we deserve to be respected and have our demands and views listened.
I have watched a public affairs program in TVB on how youngsters think about June 4. A secondary school principal said his school does not touch on the sensitive subject because there is no sufficient data on many things, such as the death toll of June 4, and a responsible educator should not only base on media reports when teaching.
This is such a RIDICULOUS comment. The reason behind the lack of sufficient data is because we do not dare to face our past. Isn't it our job to get the whole picture and collect information from our own sources, especially when officials are reluctant to do that? I am afraid that most historical events, not only June 4, will be forgotten if the officials are not willing to give us the data.
I am glad that I am born in the 1970's. I am glad that I was a primary school student in 1989. Not mature enough to understand what the students in Beijing were doing at that time, but I was able to watch news from media organisations which did not exercise self-censorship as they do today and I was able to know how my primary school teachers felt about the incident.
Last year, we had the successful Olympic Games. We had a massive torch relay in Hong Kong. We had a HKU student staging protest during the torch relay in HK and also demonstrations in overseas countries. A public affairs program by RTHK interviewed some youngsters who are proud of the torch relay. In the eyes of these youngsters, there are only positive developments in the nation.
I do not totally agree with the protesters. But how these youngsters talk worries me. I am glad that I am born in the 1970's and I have a different perspectives from these youngsters.
20 years now. 20 years. Not a short period of time. But I am willing to wait, and we have to wait. We must continue doing that year after year. We are doing that because June 4 MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN.
I really like this song named 自由花 (The flower of freedom). English translation of the lyrics will come later.
We cannot forget, nor will time wear away our memory;
Deep in our heart we always recall that day in that year.
We felt the pain, but time has turned it into strength.
One bit of truth and one ideal are what we will forever seek.
* 悠悠長長繼續前航不懂去驚怕
We continue on a long long journey but we know no fear.
We will cut away all hindering thorns, not minding them one bit.
People of yesterday went through thick and thin in silence;
They didn’t want to hear more reasoning, be it true or unreal.
# 但有一個夢,不會死,記著吧
But there is a dream that will not die - remember.
No matter how hard it rains, freedom will still bloom,
But there is a dream that will not die – remember.
It comes from your heart and mine – remember.
We cannot forget, as has prevailed our undying belief.
We deeply trust some day it will finally turn real.
This message, depends on you and me,
Doing our best, to keep searching for that ideal.
I am very glad that there is no significant development in Nina Wang estate battle today. I can manage to finish work earlier and arrive at Victoria Park at around 9pm.
I cannot manage to get inside the Victoria Park. I can only stand in the outer area.
I can neither see what's happening inside the park nor hear what the people on stage are talking about. But I am excited, really excited, when I heard Szeto Wah announcing that there are 150,000 people attending the candle light vigil for June 4. I should be glad that I can only manage to get into the outer area because it is an indication that there are really many people showing up. It is a record-breaking turnout.
I am just one of the small persons in the large crowd, but the power of this large crowd of small persons can make history and show the world that we have not forgotten even though the government wants us to forget.
I am glad that I was among one of them, paying respect to June 4 victims. In Hong Kong.
I keep recalling what has happened to me over the past 20 years these days. I was just a primary school student spending most of my time doing homework and playing video games. Similar to my classmates, I just did not care what was reported in the newspapers and TV.
What happened exactly this month two decades ago changed the way I and my classmates behave. We read newspapers and listened to radio news in schools even though the content was complicated and incomprehensible to us. In class, the teachers put aside the textbooks and told students about what was happening in Beijing. Some even broke down to tears before the students.
We understood that there were a large group of students living far away from us demanding better changes.
Back home, I watched TV news with my family. My brother, who is four years older than me, took to the street. The whole family watched and recorded the marathon concert 民主歌聲獻中華 (Concert for Democracy in China).
We always heard of the serious corruption in China. I got an impression that those living on the mainland were poor and backward, which is the reason for my father coming to Hong Kong. Seeing the students on hunger strike, we knew that there were people with true compassions fighting to make the nation a better living place. Hope. We really hoped that the nation would get rid of problems and better respect its people. The hope was growing stronger and stronger. Until it was crushed on June 4.
Throughout these 20 years, there are many changes in the society. My parents have not talked about June 4. My brother, who took to the street two decades ago, even believes that the crackdown is helpful to China’s present development.
Our schools do not about June 4. The history textbooks only briefly mention about it. Teachers are reluctant to talk about it. Students are unaware of it.
I am more aware that the students’ leaders have made mistakes and I was somehow affected by the negative comments against those who escaped to overseas countries. I was puzzled why some people always took to the street to express what they want and why some people gathered in Victoria Park year after year demanding a vindication of June 4. Yes, it is a tragedy and it is sad that the students died. But what’s the point of the vindication? How can the vindication “benefit” me? Shouldn’t we let bygones be bygones and move “forward”?
When I think deeper into it, I understand more. I am not saying that I got a very in-depth understanding of the nation and Hong Kong. I am still not familiar with China’s political and economic system.
China’s economic development is amazing. The living standard of many people has improved. China’s rapid growth is increasingly important to the future of Hong Kong. The nation has also made some tremendous developments. The space missions and the Beijing Olympics are among them.
However, we should not forget that the nation has impressed many with its problems. Put it sarcastically, we have learned melamine from the contaminated milk and other chemicals from other products scandals. We have learned how the poor people have their interest ignored because of corruption. We have learned that Chinese people are generous and sympathetic to the people in need from last year Sichuan’s earthquake, but we have also learned that how inhumane and uncivilized the government is as parents of children died from sub-standard schools are banned from expressing their grievances and no officials are held accountable for the construction of those schools.
And on this special day, we have learned from news that a sister whose brother was killed 20 years ago is banned from paying tribute. And we have the following item that makes me feel ashamed and question whether we really have a civilized history of 5,000 years.
Yes, we have to move forward. But how can we actually move forward if we do not dare to face and settle our past. Yes, China’s economic development is rapid. But that does not mean that we have to support and accept what we believe is immoral and wrong. Yes, the students’ leaders 20 years ago had erred. But this is not a justification for sending troops and tanks against the people. Yes, we have long history and our ancestors have taught us many good lessons that can convince other nations to respect us. But we have to stop all the ridiculous incidents if we want to make people respect not only our economic power. Yes, it is painful recalling the tragedy of June 4. But how can we teach history to our children and ask other people to respect history if we are not courageous enough to face our ugly past. Yes, we have seen corrupt and bad officials being arrested and removed from office. But there will be corrupted officials coming to power if we do not improve our system. Yes, there is no perfect system in the world and all countries have their own problem. But striving for excellence should always be our dream and ideal. Yes, we are benefited from the nation’s development. But we deserve to be respected and have our demands and views listened.
I have watched a public affairs program in TVB on how youngsters think about June 4. A secondary school principal said his school does not touch on the sensitive subject because there is no sufficient data on many things, such as the death toll of June 4, and a responsible educator should not only base on media reports when teaching.
This is such a RIDICULOUS comment. The reason behind the lack of sufficient data is because we do not dare to face our past. Isn't it our job to get the whole picture and collect information from our own sources, especially when officials are reluctant to do that? I am afraid that most historical events, not only June 4, will be forgotten if the officials are not willing to give us the data.
I am glad that I am born in the 1970's. I am glad that I was a primary school student in 1989. Not mature enough to understand what the students in Beijing were doing at that time, but I was able to watch news from media organisations which did not exercise self-censorship as they do today and I was able to know how my primary school teachers felt about the incident.
Last year, we had the successful Olympic Games. We had a massive torch relay in Hong Kong. We had a HKU student staging protest during the torch relay in HK and also demonstrations in overseas countries. A public affairs program by RTHK interviewed some youngsters who are proud of the torch relay. In the eyes of these youngsters, there are only positive developments in the nation.
I do not totally agree with the protesters. But how these youngsters talk worries me. I am glad that I am born in the 1970's and I have a different perspectives from these youngsters.
20 years now. 20 years. Not a short period of time. But I am willing to wait, and we have to wait. We must continue doing that year after year. We are doing that because June 4 MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN.
I really like this song named 自由花 (The flower of freedom). English translation of the lyrics will come later.
We cannot forget, nor will time wear away our memory;
Deep in our heart we always recall that day in that year.
We felt the pain, but time has turned it into strength.
One bit of truth and one ideal are what we will forever seek.
* 悠悠長長繼續前航不懂去驚怕
We continue on a long long journey but we know no fear.
We will cut away all hindering thorns, not minding them one bit.
People of yesterday went through thick and thin in silence;
They didn’t want to hear more reasoning, be it true or unreal.
# 但有一個夢,不會死,記著吧
But there is a dream that will not die - remember.
No matter how hard it rains, freedom will still bloom,
But there is a dream that will not die – remember.
It comes from your heart and mine – remember.
We cannot forget, as has prevailed our undying belief.
We deeply trust some day it will finally turn real.
This message, depends on you and me,
Doing our best, to keep searching for that ideal.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
New name and layout
I don’t actually like two former names, An ordinary diary and I want to record, of this blog. Have come up with a new name and changed the layout.
I like both black and white colors, and I finally decided to use Black. I cannot explain the reason.
I like both black and white colors, and I finally decided to use Black. I cannot explain the reason.
Nina Wang
I spent the entire week in the High Court covering the probate trial which will decide who – Chinachem Charitable Foundation or fung shui master Tony Chan – can inherit the estimated HK$100 billion estate of late Asia’s richest woman Nina Wang.
When Nina died two years ago, most people thought her estate would be used for charitable purposes based on a will dated 2002. However, to the surprise of Wang’s siblings, Chan – an unknown person before the saga – suddenly came out, claiming himself the sole beneficiary of Wang’s fortune based on a will dated 2006.
Chan claimed himself the secret lover of Wang, whose husband Teddy was declared legally dead after being kidnapped in 1990. The court heard that Wang was attracted to Chan because the fung shui master claimed that he could locate Wang’s husband, but Chan denied that his fung shui knowledge is very limited.
Fung shui, Chan claimed, is only a smokescreen covering his romantic and intimate relationship with Wang. Chan presented video, audio recordings, Wang trademark pigtail and love letters to the court to prove the relationship. Awaking many reporters who were bored to fall asleep in the court room, Chan’s counsel said one of the videos could prove that Wang wanted to have a baby with Chan.
I somehow cannot understand how these rich people think.
Wang, a person known for her frugality who treated police or staff helping her with only a simple meal that even the poorest people can afford, spent millions of dollars in fung shui. She asked for the transcript of court document to be prayed on, and the color of the bundles be matched with fung shui advice. She gave Chan HK$700 million over a few years in cash transported by car. HK$700 million in cash in addition to HK$2 billion and fees to other fung shui masters!! I don’t think I can make it in my life.
A former legislator, who introduced Chan to Wang, said he gave Chan some HK$750,000 a year for fung shui advice and burned some HK$500,000 real bank notes to get rid of legal problems. The result – he was still sent to jail. If I had HK$500,000, I would quit my job for studying or travelling or taking rest, or use it for investment. I would definitely not burn them. Burning real money is unimaginable and insane.
I cannot live without money. Maybe if I am as rich as these people, I will feel more insecure with more money I have.
When Nina died two years ago, most people thought her estate would be used for charitable purposes based on a will dated 2002. However, to the surprise of Wang’s siblings, Chan – an unknown person before the saga – suddenly came out, claiming himself the sole beneficiary of Wang’s fortune based on a will dated 2006.
Chan claimed himself the secret lover of Wang, whose husband Teddy was declared legally dead after being kidnapped in 1990. The court heard that Wang was attracted to Chan because the fung shui master claimed that he could locate Wang’s husband, but Chan denied that his fung shui knowledge is very limited.
Fung shui, Chan claimed, is only a smokescreen covering his romantic and intimate relationship with Wang. Chan presented video, audio recordings, Wang trademark pigtail and love letters to the court to prove the relationship. Awaking many reporters who were bored to fall asleep in the court room, Chan’s counsel said one of the videos could prove that Wang wanted to have a baby with Chan.
I somehow cannot understand how these rich people think.
Wang, a person known for her frugality who treated police or staff helping her with only a simple meal that even the poorest people can afford, spent millions of dollars in fung shui. She asked for the transcript of court document to be prayed on, and the color of the bundles be matched with fung shui advice. She gave Chan HK$700 million over a few years in cash transported by car. HK$700 million in cash in addition to HK$2 billion and fees to other fung shui masters!! I don’t think I can make it in my life.
A former legislator, who introduced Chan to Wang, said he gave Chan some HK$750,000 a year for fung shui advice and burned some HK$500,000 real bank notes to get rid of legal problems. The result – he was still sent to jail. If I had HK$500,000, I would quit my job for studying or travelling or taking rest, or use it for investment. I would definitely not burn them. Burning real money is unimaginable and insane.
I cannot live without money. Maybe if I am as rich as these people, I will feel more insecure with more money I have.
Friday, May 22, 2009
王丹:曾蔭權64發言不當 不適任香港特首
Sunday, May 17, 2009
先看電影的英文名字 “I Corrupt All Cops”,就知是為了 “ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption)”而硬砌出來,究竟誰是”I”呢?不知道。這英文名讀起來十分不順口,很爛。
先看電影的英文名字 “I Corrupt All Cops”,就知是為了 “ICAC (Independent Commission Against Corruption)”而硬砌出來,究竟誰是”I”呢?不知道。這英文名讀起來十分不順口,很爛。
Saturday, May 16, 2009
To Chief Executive
I know it is late for me to write this, but I really want to say something regarding your remarks about June 4 in the Legislative Council question and answer session on Thursday.
Responding to a question raised by Civic Party legislator Margaret Ng on your stance of June 4, you said you understand Hong Kong people’s feelings about June 4.
But you went on to say that the incident happened many years ago, and the nation’s development has achieved tremendous results and brought economic prosperity to Hong Kong since then. You said you believe Hong Kong people will make an “objective” view of the nation’s development.
Perhaps you can think about this. Can you ask the protesters who march to Japanese consulate in every December to have an “objective” view of Japan’s tremendous economic development over the past decades, which brings benefit to Hong Kong, and forget about Nanjing Massacre?
Well, I have not expected, and will not expect, you will join the pan-democrats in suggesting the need to vindicate the incident. Your response to Ng’s question is what I have expected.
But what touches my nerve is the following statement you have made.
“My view represents the general opinion of Hong Kong people, and the opinion of the public will also affect my view,” you said. “The Hong Kong people I represent is the general Hong Kong people.”
Mr Chief Executive, you come to power after you have been elected by a committee consisting of 800 members. You are not elected by universal suffrage. How can you say that you represent my views? My views are different from yours. I do not share your views. Please just don’t impose your views on me.
You “apologized” after the Q&A session, saying you have used wrong words.
It is not a matter of language. I feel disrespected and offended by you.
Responding to a question raised by Civic Party legislator Margaret Ng on your stance of June 4, you said you understand Hong Kong people’s feelings about June 4.
But you went on to say that the incident happened many years ago, and the nation’s development has achieved tremendous results and brought economic prosperity to Hong Kong since then. You said you believe Hong Kong people will make an “objective” view of the nation’s development.
Perhaps you can think about this. Can you ask the protesters who march to Japanese consulate in every December to have an “objective” view of Japan’s tremendous economic development over the past decades, which brings benefit to Hong Kong, and forget about Nanjing Massacre?
Well, I have not expected, and will not expect, you will join the pan-democrats in suggesting the need to vindicate the incident. Your response to Ng’s question is what I have expected.
But what touches my nerve is the following statement you have made.
“My view represents the general opinion of Hong Kong people, and the opinion of the public will also affect my view,” you said. “The Hong Kong people I represent is the general Hong Kong people.”
Mr Chief Executive, you come to power after you have been elected by a committee consisting of 800 members. You are not elected by universal suffrage. How can you say that you represent my views? My views are different from yours. I do not share your views. Please just don’t impose your views on me.
You “apologized” after the Q&A session, saying you have used wrong words.
It is not a matter of language. I feel disrespected and offended by you.
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
主角A說:「Have you got a job?」主角B回答:「I don’t have one。」
醫生說:「I will be right back。」
醫生說:「What’s going on?」
But she is not even your baby.
You really don’t want to give her away? Do you?
We will admit him to the hospital.
You make me sounds like some kind of a nuts.
Would you turn that thing off?
主角A說:「Have you got a job?」主角B回答:「I don’t have one。」
醫生說:「I will be right back。」
醫生說:「What’s going on?」
But she is not even your baby.
You really don’t want to give her away? Do you?
We will admit him to the hospital.
You make me sounds like some kind of a nuts.
Would you turn that thing off?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
一百萬零一夜 Slumdog Millionaire
我很喜歡印度,有印度元素的電影一般都去看,包括Darjeeling Express,不太理會戲情介紹。
夏菲米克的時代 Milk
首先,辛潘(Sean Penn)的演出,真的令人動容。他完全投入了角色,很吸引,友說他好像「上左身」。那配角,夏菲米克的第一位情人,演出同樣出色。
電影是關於三藩市議員夏菲米克的一生。夏菲米克(Harvey Milk)是首位同性戀者打入政壇的美國人。他參選的主要目的,就是要為同性戀者爭取權益。
但兇手好像沒有得到應有的懲罰,因為陪審員大多是保守人士,他們同情殺人者。最後,在辯方律師聲稱兇手是受劣質食品(junk food)的影響下才犯案,法院只判兇手五年監禁。
首先,辛潘(Sean Penn)的演出,真的令人動容。他完全投入了角色,很吸引,友說他好像「上左身」。那配角,夏菲米克的第一位情人,演出同樣出色。
電影是關於三藩市議員夏菲米克的一生。夏菲米克(Harvey Milk)是首位同性戀者打入政壇的美國人。他參選的主要目的,就是要為同性戀者爭取權益。
但兇手好像沒有得到應有的懲罰,因為陪審員大多是保守人士,他們同情殺人者。最後,在辯方律師聲稱兇手是受劣質食品(junk food)的影響下才犯案,法院只判兇手五年監禁。
Monday, March 02, 2009
告別 ﹝一﹞
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A sad day
Changeling, The Class and Milk are the movies I am interested in, and I have planned to see one of them with friends tonight.
A phone call in the early morning completely changed everything. My aunt in Macau called me in the morning, when I was about to leave home to report on a court hearing. I had bad feeling before picking up the phone. It is unusual for her to make a call in early morning. Her message is short but tearful. “Grandmother has just passed away in the elderly home peacefully after eating breakfast.”
My grandmother was weak when she was still in hospital on Sunday, but her condition remained stable that time. She was discharged and sent back to the elderly home, which service is good I believe. I had already anticipated that my grandmother, a woman of 86, would leave us when I received another phone call from my aunt during the Chinese New Year holiday that her cardiovascular function had suddenly deteriorated. What I had not anticipated was that she would be gone only days after leaving the hospital.
Inside the MTR to the court, I kept sending SMS to close friends about this undesirable news.
I want to be alone today, and maybe the following few days, keeping my mind in peace, and perhaps letting my mind be flashed back to the days when I was a kid.
I was born in Hong Kong, but I spent my first few years in Macau before starting my kindergarten education. I would go to Macau whenever there was long vacation, such as summer and Christmas holidays, until secondary two because of various reasons, including a family dispute. I was almost disconnected from her and Macau, except paying a visit in Chinese New Year, until I started my university education, when I had more free time to go to places I like.
I want to, and I need to, jot down how I spent my time in Macau for fearing that I might forget them some day when I get old. My grandfather, died during Chinese New Year more than two decades ago, was a nice man who loved his grandchild. I always begged him to buy toys and even bicycles for me, time after time. He really did that on some occasions. When he decided not to buy the gifts I wanted for not spoiling me, he would not let me down. Instead of just saying a plain “No”, he would pick up a box of matches and give the matches to me one by one. “One match is one dollar. I don't have enough matches for you to buy that.”
My grandmother spent most of her time with me whenever I was in Macau. She would prepare nice food. And as I am the youngest son of my mother, she devoted most of her attention to me. She was almost always on my side when I was in dispute with my brother and sister. I always went to Yum Cha with my aunt and her. She also took me to do morning exercise.
Some major changes happened to her over the past two decades. The family dispute I have mentioned before pushed her to be almost disconnected from one of her sons until recent years. Her other son is addicted to gambling and freed to other country. My aunt is the only person taking care of her.
She could not go to the community center, once her favorite pastime, after a leg injury. My aunt, as an educator, was busy with her school and could not spend too much time taking care of my grandmother who lives alone. My aunt hired several domestic helpers. All of the maids left because my grandmother was not an easy going person for strangers. Luckily, my aunt had arranged a good elderly home for her two years ago, and she seemed happy living there and chatting with roommates.
As a traditional woman, she always wanted her grandsons to get marry. “My birthday wish is that you get married and have a family soon,” she said in her birthday feast few years ago.
She suffered from another leg injury after falling down in last December. Conditions had been deteriorating since then. She was weak and reluctant to speak and move. But she would still smile when seeing me and my siblings.
It is really a sad day. Still, I truly believe that I cannot ask for more as 86 is long enough for a funeral to be called a “laughing funeral” 笑喪. I should be grateful that she left us peacefully without pain.
Thanks to my friends who sent me back encouraging message. Although I want to be alone today, the message really means so much to me.
A phone call in the early morning completely changed everything. My aunt in Macau called me in the morning, when I was about to leave home to report on a court hearing. I had bad feeling before picking up the phone. It is unusual for her to make a call in early morning. Her message is short but tearful. “Grandmother has just passed away in the elderly home peacefully after eating breakfast.”
My grandmother was weak when she was still in hospital on Sunday, but her condition remained stable that time. She was discharged and sent back to the elderly home, which service is good I believe. I had already anticipated that my grandmother, a woman of 86, would leave us when I received another phone call from my aunt during the Chinese New Year holiday that her cardiovascular function had suddenly deteriorated. What I had not anticipated was that she would be gone only days after leaving the hospital.
Inside the MTR to the court, I kept sending SMS to close friends about this undesirable news.
I want to be alone today, and maybe the following few days, keeping my mind in peace, and perhaps letting my mind be flashed back to the days when I was a kid.
I was born in Hong Kong, but I spent my first few years in Macau before starting my kindergarten education. I would go to Macau whenever there was long vacation, such as summer and Christmas holidays, until secondary two because of various reasons, including a family dispute. I was almost disconnected from her and Macau, except paying a visit in Chinese New Year, until I started my university education, when I had more free time to go to places I like.
I want to, and I need to, jot down how I spent my time in Macau for fearing that I might forget them some day when I get old. My grandfather, died during Chinese New Year more than two decades ago, was a nice man who loved his grandchild. I always begged him to buy toys and even bicycles for me, time after time. He really did that on some occasions. When he decided not to buy the gifts I wanted for not spoiling me, he would not let me down. Instead of just saying a plain “No”, he would pick up a box of matches and give the matches to me one by one. “One match is one dollar. I don't have enough matches for you to buy that.”
My grandmother spent most of her time with me whenever I was in Macau. She would prepare nice food. And as I am the youngest son of my mother, she devoted most of her attention to me. She was almost always on my side when I was in dispute with my brother and sister. I always went to Yum Cha with my aunt and her. She also took me to do morning exercise.
Some major changes happened to her over the past two decades. The family dispute I have mentioned before pushed her to be almost disconnected from one of her sons until recent years. Her other son is addicted to gambling and freed to other country. My aunt is the only person taking care of her.
She could not go to the community center, once her favorite pastime, after a leg injury. My aunt, as an educator, was busy with her school and could not spend too much time taking care of my grandmother who lives alone. My aunt hired several domestic helpers. All of the maids left because my grandmother was not an easy going person for strangers. Luckily, my aunt had arranged a good elderly home for her two years ago, and she seemed happy living there and chatting with roommates.
As a traditional woman, she always wanted her grandsons to get marry. “My birthday wish is that you get married and have a family soon,” she said in her birthday feast few years ago.
She suffered from another leg injury after falling down in last December. Conditions had been deteriorating since then. She was weak and reluctant to speak and move. But she would still smile when seeing me and my siblings.
It is really a sad day. Still, I truly believe that I cannot ask for more as 86 is long enough for a funeral to be called a “laughing funeral” 笑喪. I should be grateful that she left us peacefully without pain.
Thanks to my friends who sent me back encouraging message. Although I want to be alone today, the message really means so much to me.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Find more music like this on Solerworld
Find more music like this on Solerworld
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
上海即興之旅/ 回歸城市 (第五天,2009年1月31日,年初六)
上海即興之旅/ 古鎮遊 (第三及四天,2009年1月29及30日,年初四及五)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
上海即興之旅/ 第二天(2009年1月28日,星期三,年初三)
上海即興之旅/ 第一天(2009年1月27日,星期二,年初二)
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
聽了這首崖上的波兒(Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea)後,即使沒有了解戲情大剛,也好想立即去看這部宮崎駿的電影。
在那藍色的海中心 搖著尾巴
脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑
跳前跳左 踏來踏去
一對奇妙腳~仔 開心通處跑
牽著你走 揮一揮手
真有趣這小手 牽手來喲
BooLu BooLu 親親
BooLu BooLu 擁抱
脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑
在那藍色的海中心 搖著尾巴
脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑
跳前跳左 踏來踏去
一對奇妙腳~仔 開心通處跑
牽著你走 揮一揮手
真有趣這小手 牽手來喲
BooLu BooLu 親親
BooLu BooLu 擁抱
脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Typing Arabic
I have been learning for a year. The language is difficult as it is very different from Chinese and English. There are so many new vocabularies and grammatical rules that are difficult to memorize. But I enjoy and will continue learning it.
One of my classmates posted on facebook this web link that allows you to type Arabic.
I typed the following message
إسمي تادي. أدرس اللغات العربية في الجمية هونغ كونغ. أنا أحب مشاهدة الأفلام و مطالعة. أنا سافرت إلى سنغابور. أنا كنت في
شنزهن مع صديقتي
من مليسيا في يوم السبت
My name is Teddy. I study Arabic language in Hong Kong University. I like watching movies and reading. I travelled to Singapore. I was in Shenzhen with my friend from Malaysia on Saturday.
How to read the Arabic.
إسمي تادي. Ismii (My name) Teddy.
أدرس اللغات العربية في الجمية هونغ كونغ. Ad ros (I study) al lo gaat (language) al arabii (Arabic) fii (in) jamiiat (university) Hong Kong.
أنا أحب مشاهدة الأفلام و مطالعة. Ana (I) Ohib (I like) moshahada (watching) al aflaam (movies) wa (and) mu taala a(reading).
أنا سافرت إلى
سنغابور. Ana (I) saa faran (traveled) ii la (to) Singapore.
أنا كنت في
شنزهن مع صديقتي
من مليسيا في يوم السبت
Ana (I) Konto (I was) fii (in) Shenzhen ma aa (with) so dii qii (my friend) min (from) Malaysia fii (on) yum al sabt (Saturday)
Although the Arabic sentences are not grammatically correct, I am still very thrilled.
Hope I can understand the language more and find learning easier.
One of my classmates posted on facebook this web link that allows you to type Arabic.
I typed the following message
إسمي تادي. أدرس اللغات العربية في الجمية هونغ كونغ. أنا أحب مشاهدة الأفلام و مطالعة. أنا سافرت إلى سنغابور. أنا كنت في
شنزهن مع صديقتي
من مليسيا في يوم السبت
My name is Teddy. I study Arabic language in Hong Kong University. I like watching movies and reading. I travelled to Singapore. I was in Shenzhen with my friend from Malaysia on Saturday.
How to read the Arabic.
إسمي تادي. Ismii (My name) Teddy.
أدرس اللغات العربية في الجمية هونغ كونغ. Ad ros (I study) al lo gaat (language) al arabii (Arabic) fii (in) jamiiat (university) Hong Kong.
أنا أحب مشاهدة الأفلام و مطالعة. Ana (I) Ohib (I like) moshahada (watching) al aflaam (movies) wa (and) mu taala a(reading).
أنا سافرت إلى
سنغابور. Ana (I) saa faran (traveled) ii la (to) Singapore.
أنا كنت في
شنزهن مع صديقتي
من مليسيا في يوم السبت
Ana (I) Konto (I was) fii (in) Shenzhen ma aa (with) so dii qii (my friend) min (from) Malaysia fii (on) yum al sabt (Saturday)
Although the Arabic sentences are not grammatically correct, I am still very thrilled.
Hope I can understand the language more and find learning easier.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Monday, January 05, 2009
一具容貌被毀至粉末、連手指也被燒至鬆掉的男屍被發現,柴咲幸飾演的內海刑警接獲案件後找不出死者身份,只好向帝都大學的物理學教授湯川(福山雅治飾)幫忙;而湯川在查案期間,發現死者的前妻花岡靖子(松雪泰子飾)之鄰居石神哲哉 (堤真一飾),正是湯川大學時代被譽為百年難得一見的數學天才石神,石神如今只是一名不起眼的高中數學教師,生活在大都市的一角,而他正是跟本案有千絲萬 纏的關係,湯川遇上了自認不如的天才石神,這次物理學天才與數學天才的世紀大戰,湯川以甚麼奇招破解這宗完美的犯案?
導演 : 西谷弘
演員 : 福山雅治, 柴咲幸, 北村一輝, 松雪泰子
片長 : 129 分鐘
級數 : IIA
語言 : 日語 (中文字幕)
看過幾集電視版,加上電影的劇情介紹。我預期電影的主線是神探與那個數學家的鬥法,有點Catch me if you can的情況。
一具容貌被毀至粉末、連手指也被燒至鬆掉的男屍被發現,柴咲幸飾演的內海刑警接獲案件後找不出死者身份,只好向帝都大學的物理學教授湯川(福山雅治飾)幫忙;而湯川在查案期間,發現死者的前妻花岡靖子(松雪泰子飾)之鄰居石神哲哉 (堤真一飾),正是湯川大學時代被譽為百年難得一見的數學天才石神,石神如今只是一名不起眼的高中數學教師,生活在大都市的一角,而他正是跟本案有千絲萬 纏的關係,湯川遇上了自認不如的天才石神,這次物理學天才與數學天才的世紀大戰,湯川以甚麼奇招破解這宗完美的犯案?
導演 : 西谷弘
演員 : 福山雅治, 柴咲幸, 北村一輝, 松雪泰子
片長 : 129 分鐘
級數 : IIA
語言 : 日語 (中文字幕)
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