Wednesday, May 30, 2007









Thursday, May 17, 2007

I agree with the government.

This is a rare occasion that I agree with the government.

A controversy was raised recently after two editions of the students journal published by the Chinese University of Kong Kong published articles on incest and bestiality.
Some community members feel offended, and complained to the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority. The authority then transfer the journal to the Obscene Articles Tribunal, which classified the material as indecent.
Some people have exaggerated that the classification has suppressed freedom of expression and discussion on sex. The students who publish the journal said they aimed at opening up more discussion on sex.
I believe that these claims are non-sense. Not many people in the community said sex should not be discussed in the university magazine.
But how the information is presented crucial. The journal asked readers questions such as ``Which kind of animal you would like to have sex with?''
It would be absolutely fine if the magazine analyzed questions results, and invite some academics or people who have well understanding of the topics for an in-depth discussion or reporting. But the magazine has none of these meaningful stuff. It is disgusting and bad taste if you just raise the question but not giving any insight.
Some community members, not sure if they are angered by the students journal classification, have raised a campaign against the Bible, saying the Christian scripture also contains material on incest and bestiality. They asks why the Bible is exempted if the students journal is classified as indecent.
The Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority received more than 2,000 complaints against the Bible, which demand the holy book be given to the tribunal for classification.
The authority today issued a statement, which I cannot agree with more.

The statement says
"The Bible is a religious text which is part of civilisation. It has been passed on from generation to generation. TELA considers that such longstanding religious texts or literature have not violated standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable members of the community. Therefore, TELA will not submit the Bible to the Obscene Articles Tribunal for classification."

I am a Christian, I have to declare.
But I believe the Bible, apart from religious teaching, is presenting what is happening in the past. Some behaviors deemed unacceptable in today's moral standard had really happened in ancient times. A book that gave details on history should not be banned even though the behaviors are not accepted in today's standard provided that the information is written in a decent manner. The Bible does not explicitly say how people have sex with others.
If the Bible is banned, then lots of other publications, including those on war history, should also be banned as I am sure the war scene will be disturbing to some people. Some well-know literature, which also have material on incest, should also be banned even though they are well respected.
The students of the Chinese University, and some community members, should find out why people believe their journal is indecent instead of insisting they have done nothing wrong as they have a ``higher'' aim.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


昨晚看新加坡電影「我在政府部門的日子」(Just Follow Law)。故事內容是預知的,但惹笑。剛巧香港政府打算增加公務員入職薪金,不知本港公務員工作會否與星國相似。如果相似的話,投考公務員也不錯。

   《我》刻画在政府部门工作的两位同事——范文芳Fann Wong饰演的宣传部主管周昙雅和葛米星Gurmit Singh饰演的技工林定水,因工作上出了漏子,林定水开着车在路上追逐周昙雅的车子,两部车子出事掉进河里。在医院醒来时,两人的灵魂竟然对换了,结果笑料百出,也让彼此站在对方的角度去看平时没觉察到的家人的关怀。
   因两位主人公出事前后一直在政府部门工作,剧情发展顺其自然也“酸”政府机构,被“酸”的包括:读书人(政府部门的长官都是读了不少书之人)爱Black And White(白纸黑字),且是一成不变的Black And White。没有白纸黑字,什么事都做不了。



Friday, May 04, 2007



Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My health.....

is deteriorating these days. I cannot fall asleep even though I am not feeling well today (probably it is flu under the hot and humid weather). I have been sick and I have consulted doctors three to four times in these two months. My legs are always cramped and I am worried that this will make me not able to walk!!!
I always feel tired even though I have nine hours of sleeping and the office work is not busy at all.
Maybe I should do more exercise and turn to Chinese medicine.
Also thinking what should I do. I have been doing this kind of work for quite a long period of time, and it seems that I have not made any breakthrough. Is breakthrough really important to me? If so, how can I make it? I have thought of spending some time (not necessarily a long period) outside HK, but not sure if it is possible. And also wondering if I should pursue further studies. If so, what should I study? Should I take long-term courses (am I determined to spend two years time for a course!?)? Study in HK is extremely expensive and it cost HK$80,000 or more for a two-year course. Have attempted to look for information of mainland institutions. Is it suitable to me?