Friday, December 28, 2007

Sarcastic and Nostalgic

I am getting more and more sarcastic (好挖苦人的,尖刻的) and nostalgic (懷舊的) these days. I am so nostalgic that I have written an email to my ex-boss, who is in Seoul and has lost contact with me for nearly a year, saying I appreciate his editing skills when we are working in the Stranded, which become the first-English-free-newspaper.
Sarcastic because I am more disatisfied with things around me, ranging from democratic and social development of the city, office work, and bla bla bla.
One of my friends are I would become a Victoria Park's elderly (維園阿伯). That's what I don't want.

Let listen to this song. 木紋by何韻詩
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Saturday, December 22, 2007



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就像大地清風飄來 暢快了這土地
或是像那微微雨水 給小草生長
或像烈日暖透世間 繽紛的照耀
你我也有生的意義 來見證父愛

細細去想 靜靜地聽
神美意伴著你啟航.... 尋求理想
要與你齊來共創 今生的璀璨
縱挫折 也要去爭取
就讓現在抓緊心內 那熱熾的希望
合力在這繁榮鬧市 給主愛彰顯
為著實現貫徹理想 不休不退後
教這世界不分晝夜 齊讚美父愛
要用我一生見證 同去創造覓指引

二﹞遇見神 BY 張敬軒

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Kite Runner

除了投名狀外,如果The Kite Runner追風箏的孩子/追風箏的人﹞在港上映,我也會去看。

中國時報 2007.10.06 
電影引殺機 搶救「追風箏的孩子」

1970年代,中亞阿富汗首都喀布爾,小男孩哈山在暗巷裡遇到一名心理變態的惡棍阿塞夫,慘遭對方強暴,他的好友阿米爾瑟縮在一旁,不敢作聲,兩個人的生命從此改變……這是2005年全美暢銷小說《追風箏的孩子》(The Kite Runner)中的關鍵情節。


 三個演員 面臨人身威脅

 只是電影版《追風箏的孩子》雖然尚未上映,卻已經在阿富汗掀起漫天風暴,劇中三個十一、二歲的小男孩演員,因為拍了這部電影,如今都面臨了可怕的人身威脅。電影公司Paramount Vintage(派拉蒙的子公司)緊急宣布電影上映時間延後6星期,以便展開「搶救」任務,準備將阿合瑪德(飾哈山)、柴可利亞(飾阿米爾)與阿里(飾哈山的兒子索拉博)送往外國避難。整個過程,幾乎可以再拍成一部電影。

三個男孩將各由一位家人陪同出國,預訂10月底動身,先飛往美國,待上幾個星期,等到一切安排妥當,再轉往波斯灣的阿拉伯聯合大公國長期居留。三個小男孩在當地會繼續讀書,至少待到明年3月,屆時如果威脅尚未解除,阿拉伯聯合大公國將成為他們的第二故鄉。Paramount Vintage會負責小男孩與家人的生活和教育費用,直到三人成年。

電影情節 觸動阿國敏感神經



 專家評估 恐引發種族殘殺


今年1月阿合瑪德與其父接受英國《周日泰晤士報》訪問時,就憂心忡忡地表示生命遭到威脅,家人甚至希望刪掉強暴情節。Paramount Vintage聞訊之後,派員前往喀布爾瞭解狀況。到了7月底,阿富汗動亂加劇,Paramount Vintage加緊腳步,找來一名曾經任職美國中央情報局(CIA)的反恐專家奇瑞庫,請他評估各種方案的必要性。



 首映延後 讓孩子緊急逃命

 事已至此,人命關天,Paramount Vintage只能一肩扛起所有責任,從美國前任國務卿季辛吉開設的顧問公司延聘一位中東事務專家克萊恩,請他前往阿拉伯聯合大公國,安排簽證、居住、就學與工作事宜,希望能讓三個小男孩因禍得福。小說作者胡賽尼感嘆地說:「這是一樁道德義務,電影公司要背負多久?恐怕沒有人知道。」

Tuesday, December 18, 2007



Monday, December 17, 2007




急急拿起早幾個月前在印度買的翻版A Thousand Splendid Suns。翻版書印刷質素當然不太好,但只需港幣10元,不用太高要求吧。讀了四份一,故事不錯。

Thursday, December 06, 2007



一) 主持人馬家輝問安德烈,有沒有一些事,他想龍應台做,但龍應台做不到。安德烈說他希望他媽可以在進房間前先敲門。龍應台說他進兒子房間只為打掃,而兒子出門口時又常常不關掉電腦,但她從沒偷看過一封兒子的電郵。安德烈聽後以英語回應說不偷看電郵絕對不是一件令人驕傲的事,正如劫匪不會為自己進入店舖後沒有偷東西而驕傲。
二) 觀眾問龍應台她應不應該送子女去海外生活,說去海外生活會讓人忘記中華文化。又有觀眾問龍應台如安德烈是同性戀她會怎樣。龍應台說她只要兒子成為一個有文化的人,而不一定要成為一個有中華文化的人。若兒子是同性戀,她會感到痛心,不是因為道德的問題,而是因為要成為小數份子是一件艱辛的事。
三) 有人問安德烈會否想與媽住同一城市。安德烈不置可否,但從其表情可以猜想答案。龍應台只說人與人之間的緣份是有限額(Quota),限額用完就不可強求。家庭關係也不例外。





Friday, November 23, 2007



安德烈,那一刻,簡直就像經典電影裡的鏡頭,身為兒子的向母親做斬釘截鐵的獨立宣言,那飾演母親的, 要不然就氣得全身發抖「刷」一個耳光打在兒子臉上,兒子露出愕然的表情,然後憤而奪門離去,要不然,母親愕然,然後眼淚潸潸而下,本來威武莊嚴的母儀突然垮了,慘兮兮地哭。



我聽見自己可憐巴巴的聲音說,「難道,連一個週末都不肯跟我去玩?青島?蘇州?杭州?」你們眼睛都不眨一下,異口同聲說,「媽,你能不能理解:我們要自己出去 ,自己探索?」

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Infamous Boston jail now a luxury hotel


By DENISE LAVOIE, Associated Press Writer
Wed Nov 7, 3:51 PM ET
BOSTON - The elegant iron-railing balconies were once catwalks where guards stood watch over the inmates to make sure they didn't try to break out. If you look closely, you can still see the outline of the holes from the iron bars on the windows.

At the newly opened Liberty Hotel, it's hard to escape what this building once was: a decrepit jail where Boston locked up its most notorious prisoners.

But that's just the point.

After a five-year, $150 million renovation, the old Charles Street jail is now a luxury hotel for guests who can afford to pay anywhere from $319 a night for the lowest-priced room to $5,500 for the presidential suite. The hotel, at the foot of Boston's stately Beacon Hill neighborhood, opened in September.

Architects took pains to preserve many features of the 156-year-old stone building and its history.

The old sally port, where guards once brought prisoners from paddy wagons to their cells, is being converted into the entrance to a new restaurant, Scampo, which is Italian for "escape."

In another restaurant, named Clink, diners can look through original bars from cell doors and windows as they order smoked lobster bisque or citrus poached prawns from waiters and waitresses wearing shirts with prison numbers. The hotel bar, Alibi, is built in the jail's former drunk tank.

Instead of con men, counterfeiters and cat burglars, the guests now include Mick Jagger, Annette Bening, Meg Ryan and Eva Mendes.

The old clientele included Boston Mayor James Michael Curley, who served time for fraud in 1904 after he took a civil service exam for a friend; Frank Abagnale Jr., a 1960s con artist played by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie "Catch Me If You Can;" a group of thieves who pulled off the Great Brinks Robbery in Boston in 1950; and a German U-boat captain who was captured in 1945 and killed himself with shards from his sunglasses.

Boston also has a luxury hotel called Jurys in the former Boston police headquarters building in fashionable Back Bay. The hotel bar is called Cuffs.

The transformation of the Charles Street Jail is stunning to some of those who spent time in the notorious lockup.

"It's a magnificent place," said Bill Baird, an activist locked up for 37 days in 1967 for breaking a Massachusetts law prohibiting the distribution of contraceptives to unmarried people. His arrest led to a landmark 1972 Supreme Court decision legalizing birth control for unmarried people.

"How you could take something that was so horrible and turn it into something of tremendous beauty, I don't know," said Baird, who visited the new hotel in October, on the 40th anniversary of his conviction.

When the jail opened in 1851, it was hailed as an international model for prison architecture. Built in the shape of a cross, the granite jail had a 90-foot-high central rotunda and four wings of cells. Large arched windows provided lots of natural light and good ventilation. Each of the 220 cells housed just one inmate.

But over the years, the jail fell into disrepair and became filthy, overcrowded and prone to riots.

Joseph Salvati, who spent 10 months in the jail in 1967 and 1968 after he was charged in a gangland slaying, said everything was covered with pigeon droppings.

"They had a crew every morning that would come down with hot water hoses and brushes to scrape it off the floor and seats," he said. "You had to rush down for breakfast to get a seat that was clean."

Salvati, who was exonerated after spending 30 years in various prisons, said he gets a kick out of seeing the jail turned into a luxury hotel. It is now "very classy-looking," he said.

In the 1970s, the inmates sued over the squalid conditions. After spending a night at the jail to see things for himself, a federal judge in 1973 ordered the place closed. But it took until 1990 for a new jail to be built and the last inmates to be moved.

The property was bought by Massachusetts General Hospital, next door, which invited proposals for preserving the building's historical character.

Cambridge developer Richard Friedman said the architects tried to retain some original elements while not reminding people too much of its dark past.

"How do you transform that into a joyous place where people have fun and a good time?" Friedman said. "We tried to use a sense of humor."

Charlene Swauger of Albuquerque, N.M., who stayed at the hotel for a long weekend in October, said the designers preserved elements of the old jail without crossing the line into bad taste.

"I thought it was very clever. I didn't discover any ghosts or anything," she said.

Eighteen of the hotel's 298 rooms are built in the original jail. Those rooms feature the original brick walls of the jail but also have high-definition TVs. The remaining rooms are in a new 16-story tower.

Max Stern, the chief lawyer for the inmates whose lawsuit led to the jail's closing, said some aspects of the project — such as calling the restaurant Clink — are too lighthearted.

"I thought they could have been a little more objective about what it really was like," he said.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


這是最近看的韓國電影「密陽」(Secret Sunshine)的情節。

Saturday, October 20, 2007

南印度十六天﹝二十﹞/尊重別人/ 16 Days in South India (20)/ Be Respectful

我說印度的風光及古建築很美,朋友說我的描述不夠具體。其實,我的旅程每次也只有兩星期,根本不夠去體會這個歷史悠久的古國。而且,印度是一個很難被具體形容的國家。她不只地大,還很多元化,不同族群及不同省份有不同的特色,南與北像不同的國度,各種看來不相關的獨特事物可以融合在一起。印度旅遊局的宣傳口號「Incredible India」是我對這國家的印象。

南印度十六天﹝十九﹞/阿育吠陀/ 16 Days in South India (19)/ Ayurveda


Walking to and visiting different places is exhausting sometimes. I will always think of massage whenever I am tired. I have tried four massages, one in Sri Lanka, during this 16-day trip.
Similar to Chinese medicine, massage in India is part of a ancient medical philosophy. The traditional medicine of India is called Ayurveda, which means the knowledge of life. It has a history of 6,000 years and it is believed to be originated from Kerala. For details of Ayurveda, please click here.
The masseurs will pour the oil extracted from different plants to the patient to restore the balance of the five elements that made up the body. The massage is not as forceful as the Chinese way. The massage will only last for one hour, unlike what we have enjoyed from the entertainment massage in Shenzhen.
Apart from massage, I have also done herbal steam bath. Put it in a simple way, it is a kind of purification. I am really relaxed after having the treatment, which is much more effective than the three-hour enjoyment in Shenzhen.
Not only in Kerala, other Indian cities also have Ayurveda centres. Apart from one-hour massage, most of these centres also provide days long treatment, which include massage and diet therapy. They also have yoga classes. The most expensive one-hour massage and a 15-minute steam bath I have enjoyed cost Rs1,300 (HK$260).
Massage in Sri Lanka also lasts for one hour, and it cost LR2,200 (including tips), which is about HK$157. The massage is more forceful than it is in India, and more like the Chinese way.
Perhaps I have to mention that the patients are naked or almost naked during the treatment. A little piece of cloth covering the sensitive part of the body is the only thing the patients need. The masseurs touch almost every inch of our skin, and sometimes two masseurs are treating one patient. I can understand that why, in India, men patients are only treated by men, which is contradictory to Shenzhen that customers can choose masseuses and look at their pictures.
Ayurvedic treatment can be enjoyed in Hong Kong. Details.

南印度16天﹝十八﹞/斯里蘭卡科倫坡/16 days in South India (18)/ Colombo, Sri Lanka

日期:2007年10月8日/地點:斯里蘭卡科倫坡 Date: 08 October, 2007/ Place: Colombo, Sri Lanka




I have to clarify that Colombo is not part of India. It is the capital of Sri Lanka, which has been independent since 1948. I need to stay in Colombo for one day for transit flight. I have no idea of this Buddhist country apart from knowing it is famous for tea plantation. I don’t want to waste the whole day staying inside the hotel and I want to buy some tea, therefore I join a city tour.
The city tour is not a tour indeed. It is hiring a car and a driver, costing US$50. This is very expensive. I should have either searched some background information, and looked for cheaper and better organized tour before or taken public transportation, which could help me saving at least US$30.
I have not been to many places. The most impressive place is the National Museum, which is built in British architectural style. It is a huge museum that displays a lot of Buddhist treasure. The museum had not been repaired for many years until recently when a multi-national banking cooperation decided to sponsor the renovation.
The streets of Colombo are neat and tidy. But armed military officers are always seen. Just like a movie, it is commonly seen that armed officers standing on the top floor of buildings. My car has passed by a beautiful beach and a cluster of classical architects that include the old parliament house. But security is tight in the area and photography is prohibited. I also have my passport checked. These security arrangements are implemented against the Tamil Tiger rebel.
The driver is also a prostitute agent. He has asked me whether I need Sri Lankan girl shortly after I get into the car. I replied no, and he asked me whether I need boys! He even told me that sex service in Colombo cost US$40, which is more expensive than other parts of Sri Lanka. I have found through the internet that the seriousness of the sex industry is reported by Sri Lanka newspaper.
One of my ex-colleagues, who is a Sri Lankan, is unaware of such mafia people and says his home has gone to dogs.

南印度16天﹝十七﹞/食物/16 days in South India (17)/ Food

南印度最出名的食物是Masala Dosa,簡單來說,這是一種薄脆的卷餅,裡面是素菜及香料。很香脆。一直以來,我也不知道吃這卷餅的正確方法,只當它是一客熱狗。直至在班加羅爾的Ulla’s Refreshment,店員看見我的吃相,才告知我應該把這個餅卷起,然後撕開一小件,再點醬汁。

班加羅爾的Indian Coffee House,除了咖啡美味外,餐廳本身就是一人文風景。


Masala Dosa is the most famous delicacy in South India. It is a crispy roll pizza with herbs and vegetable inside. I did not know the proper way of eating this delicacy until I went to Ulla’s Refreshment in Bangalore. Having seen my confused facial expression, the waiters told me to roll the whole pizza, then tear it into pieces before putting the sauce in.
The Indian Coffee House in Bangalore is a living human attraction itself even though you don’t order the tasty coffee. The coffee house has been established during the colonial period, and until today, the waiters are still wearing white turbans and buckled red belts. The coffee poster hanging on the wall is also impressive.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

16 days in South India (16)/ Bangalore.

Date:07 Oct, 2007. Place: Bangalore, Karnataka

As Indian Silicon Valley, Bangalore is getting rich on information technology development. Ladies in the previous destination wear Saree. In Bangalore, people become fashionable, and wear T-shirt and jeans.
Bangalore becomes the first Indian city to get electricity supply in 1905. The establishment of Infosys in 1981 laid the foundation for IT development. The city is the highlight of Thomas L Friedman The World is Flat.
Today, I join a 4-hour tour by The tour organizer is a Bangalore native who has lived in overseas countries, such as United States. He has witnessed a lot of changes and development are taking place in his home after going back to India, and history is disappearing, prompting him to explore and promote the past of Bangalore. The 4-hour tour is very informative.
The contemporary history of Bangalore is started from 18th century. The British started colonial war against India after it was defeated in the American independent war. In 1799, the British defeated the king of Mysore, and used Bangalore as a military base.
The British invasion had introduced missionaries and churches to the city. Bangalore was a backward city at that time, and things were waiting to be done. The British had attracted Indians around the country for infrastructure work in the city, and attracted British soldiers to come to Bangalore with lands. In Mahatma Gandhi Road, there were once private residencies occupying huge land. Some private residencies even include a tennis court.
But the old town of Bangalore was still governed by the king of Mysore. The new and old town is divided by Cubbon Park. And the differences between the new and old town is still obvious till today. The new town is energetic for changes, while the old town is sticking to tradition.
The churches built by the British were not welcomed by the locals at that time. Many of them said the churches were the place for ``having the heads chopped’’. It was probably because the churches were built for military officers, which should be regarded as military facilities and establishments that made people fearful.
Apart from churches, schools and infrastructure, the British had also brought Bangalore with bars. Bars are still commonly seen even today. With more income generated by IT development, people in Bangalore love going to bars, making the area lively at night. I have seen many people from Southeast Asia here. I cannot distinguish whether they are Japanese, and whether they are overseas born Chinese. I believe most of them are attracted to the city by IT development. We can see proof that India is waking up.
Large department stores are everywhere, and prices are expensive. I needed to pay Rs356 for a dinner at Elbony last night, which included a soup, mutton and a bottle of water. This is 10 times more expensive than my previous lunches, which cost only Rs31. A room for two people also cost Rs795, several times higher than the previous destinations.

But not all of the people are getting rich. Poverty sudden confronts you when you are appreciating the stable life enjoyed by the people. Poverty gap in the city is serious. I have seen women in saree holding their babies begging for money after finishing dinner at Elbony. I have also seen some hawkers in the street. This makes me feel sad. The dinner at Elbony only cost HK$70, but this amount is significant to the poor people. HK$70 is enough for feeding these people for so many days. How many people can benefit from the tourism income? Is it always the situation that wealth is concentrated in the hands of few people? What is the meaning of development if a large group of people is not benefit? And development also causes pollution.

Lift operator: Hope he will feel happy for a while by having this picture taken.

Asking for direction in this city is difficult. It is not because the people are not friendly, but mainly either because they cannot speak in English or they don’t know the direction. Asking for direction is very easy in the previous destinations. I believe it is because the citizens of the small town have never left their home.
I found that the staff and owner of guesthouses were friendly and eager to introduce visitors their India when I was traveling in the North four years ago. I became aware of Bollywood movies because the owner of a guesthouse in Jaipur introduced it to me.
But I do not feel such atmosphere in Mysore and Bangalore. I have only seen a big reception counter after entering the guesthouses. Staff are polite and effective, but they are also cold in quoting the room charges. It seems that they are only reciting the stuff written in the travel guidebook when you ask for traffic information. I have no intention to ask them the characteristics of the cities.
Price is a top priority for choosing guesthouse, and friendly people are the second. I don’t need a swimming pool and gym room. I would rather chat with the owners than watching satellite TV. I would appreciate staff and owners who will try their best to look for answers to my questions.
I want to be greeted by the owners and staff when I wake up or finished my tour. I want to be asked whether I want a cup of coffee and whether I need hot shower. I don’t want to be indifferently told that hot shower between 6am and 10am.
Maybe my previous guesthouses are too impressive, making me difficult to get used to Mysore and Bangalore.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

南印度16天﹝十六﹞/班加羅爾16 days in South India (16)/ Bangalore.

日期:2007年10月07日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦班加羅爾Date:07 Oct, 2007. Place: Bangalore, Karnataka

班加羅爾於1905年成為印度首個有電力供應的城市。至1981年科技公司Infosys成立,奠下了資訊科技事業的發展基礎。這城市甚至成為Thomas L Friedman名著The World is Flat的題材。
今天參加了 的4小時行程。舉辦旅程的人是班加羅爾人,在美國等外地生活過,回印度後,發覺家鄉經歷急劇的發展與變化,歷史正流逝,因而開始發挖及推廣家鄉的過去。這4小時的行程很有教育性。




南印度16天﹝十五﹞/去米索爾16 days in South India (15)/ Going to Mysore.

日期:2007年10月05及06日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦馬蒂科里去米索爾Date:05 & 06 Oct, 2007. Place: Madikeri to Mysore, Karnataka

翌日早上六時起床去Devaraja Market看。寂寞星球說這市集是印度色彩最繽紛的地方之一,但我覺得馬蒂科里的市集比較豐富。
較吸引我的反而是建於1876年的Krishnara Jendra Hospital,這建築物很古典。而附近的醫學院也不錯。


I walk around the market of Madikeri before leaving for Mysore. The market sells a lot of stuff, including vegs, coconuts and clothes. The hawkers are shouting what they sell, and combined with the colorful vegs, the market is lively.
I go to Mysore in the afternoon. Maybe because Mysore is a big city, the rickshaw drivers are a little bit tricky. The environment of the guesthouse is not good as it is noisy. I have decided to go Bangalore tomorrow afternoon after visiting the Devaraja Market and Mysore Palace.
I wake up at 6am for the Devaraja Market. Lonely Planet says the market is one of the most colourful places in India, but I believe the one in Madikeri is better.
What attracts me is the Krishnara Jendra Hospital, which is built in 1876. This is a building in classical architectural style. The adjacent Medical College is also nice.
I also visit the Mysore Palace, which was built in 15 years and with Rs4.5 million. The Palace is not as magnificent as those in the North, but it is still worth visiting. The carved patterns in the glass is breath taking, especially the peacock hair patterns. The silver Buddha image in the door is another highlight.
But photography is not allowed inside the palace. I suspect that the authority want to force tourists buying postcard other than protecting the monument.
I and Australian tourist Henrietta become the spotlight. A group of Indian students keep asking for being photographed with us, as if they are supporting a movie star.

南印度16天﹝十四﹞/西藏人屯墾區16 days in South India (14)/ Tibetan Settlement.

日期:2007年10月04日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦拜拉庫比Date:04 Oct, 2007. Place: Bylakuppe, Karnataka



I visit the Tibetan settlement in Bylakuppe, which is close to Madikeri.
The Karnataka government decided to give 1,200 hectares of lands for the Tibetans in 1950’s, and the community has been established since then.
Tourists need to apply for a special permit with authority in Delhi two months prior to their visits if they intend to stay in the community overnight. They can only stay one day without the permit.
The highlight of today visit is that more than 1,000 monks reading their holy text together at 3pm in Sera Jey Monastic University. The golden Buddha in Namdroling Temple is another highlight.
The community is peaceful, and the people are friendly. A Tibetan gives me a free ride to Sera Jey Monastic University.
But peaceful atmosphere does not mean that the monks are disconnected with the outside world. They need to learn other subjects, such as chemistry, other than the holy text. There is also an internet bar inside the temple, costing Rs30 per hour.
There are a lot of Tibetan restaurants in the community, and the beef momo is very delicious.
Anoop takes me to a classical Indian concert at night. The main target audiences are secondary students, who are allowed to interact with the bands in the question-and-answer session. This makes me know that a lot of classical Indian songs are not written in Hindi, but another language that sounds more beautiful.

南印度16天﹝十三﹞/印式快餐 16 days in South India (13)/ Indian fast food.

日期:2007年10月03日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦馬蒂科里Date:03 Oct, 2007. Place: Madikeri, Karnataka



Today’s lunch is very special. I have my lunch at Krishna restaurant under Anoop’s recommendation.
Service of the restaurant is very speedy. A food tray including rice, vegs and various sauce will be put on the table once you are seated.
Of course, I need to eat in Indian way in such local restaurant. So, no folks and spoons, and I need to eat with fingers.
The staff also keep giving us other food, and of course we have to pay for that.
The food tray cost Rs15 (HK$3). I have ordered one chapatti, two wada and two fried items, costing Rs16 in total. A full lunch only cost Rs31(HK$6)!
And I have bought two packs of 250g coffee powder and 37 packs of 100g coffee powder to my friends, costing Rs629.5, which is only HK$130.
South India coffee is very famous and always exported to other countries.

南印度16天﹝十二﹞/馬蒂科里 16 days in South India (12)/ Madikeri

日期:2007年10月02日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦馬蒂科里Date:02 Oct, 2007. Place: Madikeri, Karnataka





The natural environment created by God is really breath taking.
I and the French couple go to Anoop’s village by one of his Land Rovers. We pass by his ancestral home and a vacant temple. The temple architectural style can now be seen in Angkor Wat, Cambodia.
We also pass by paddy fields, ginger fields and coffee plantation. Anoop of course has explained to us the plantation we see.
We enjoy simple lunch – rice wrapped with banana leaf – in one of Anoop’s village home. We have done almost nothing today, except looking at the scenery and listening to Anoop’s stories.
I have also experienced something new to my life today, including drinking stream water and giving out my blood to leeches.
The natural environment is always impressive that need to be preserved. We should all reduce energy consumption in the city, such as using less air-conditioning.

南印度16天﹝十一﹞/馬蒂科里 16 days in South India (11)/ Madikeri

日期:2007年10月01日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦馬蒂科里Date:01 Oct, 2007. Place: Madikeri, Karnataka



再向前行,到了Royal Tomb古蹟。這是皇帝家族墓穴。


Heavy rain, and I only walk around the town.
I like this city and maybe I should stay here for two more days, canceling the trip to Bangalore.
Election in Madikeri was held yesterday. I see people marching on the street with banners and shouting slogans. Police are keeping the order in control.
There is a temple close to Dawn guesthouse. People throw the coconuts on the floor and eat them. And there is a prison next to the temple, and I can see police and handcuffed criminals going in and out.
I have entered a quiet place after walking for 10 minutes. There is a mosque, and I believe that a lot of Muslims are living around. I have always seen women covering their heads.
I have also reached the Royal Tomb.
This small city is really quiet and relaxing.

南印度16天﹝十﹞/馬蒂科里 16 days in South India (10)/ Madikeri

日期:2007年09月30日/ 地點:卡納塔克邦馬蒂科里Date:30 Sep, 2007. Place: Madikeri, Karnataka

到步後,跟隨寂寞星球的介紹找到Dawn旅館,旅館老闆Anoop Chinnappa是一個環保戰士,詳情可看這裡
傍晚與法國夫婦Patrice及Fanny和Anoop Chinnappa步行45分鐘上山看日落,Anoop的兩只狗Pinko及Snowie也跟在一起。這裡的風景真的很好,山上白雲很多,很舒服,可以想像在不同的時間,這裡的景色會有所不同。



I was on board the train at 11:45pm last night, and arrived Mangalore at 8:30 this morning before taking a 4-hour bus to Madikeri.
The scenery along the bus route is nice. Trees are scattered along and the air is fresh. These just make me relaxed.
Madikeri (Mercara) is part of the Kodagu (Coorg) region, and its native is called Kodavas. This is a place for hiking, and you can see a lot of elephants if you are traveling in the right time. But it seems that I have arrived earlier.
Travel guidebook says the wedding of the native people here rarely involves dowry. I have not verified the information, but it would be a good news if it is true. Many women in India are burnt to death by their husband families for failing to pay the dowry, which is more common in remote villages.
I follow the recommendation of Lonely Plant to reach Dawn guesthouse. The owner of the guesthouse is Anoop Chinnappa, who is an ecowarrior. Details about him can click here.
Anoop took me and a French couple, Patrice and Fanny, for a 45-minute short walk to the hill to see the sunset. Anoop’s two dogs, Pinko and Snowie, also accompany us. The scenery is impressive. Blue sky and the clouds are clear, and I can imagine that the scenery keeps changing in different times.
Anoop took stray dog Pinko home when she was abandoned six years ago. She gave birth to four puppies last year. But two of the small dogs were stolen, and one killed after being trapped beneath a car. Only Snowie can survive. Pinko is pregnant again.
After the walk, I go to dinner with the French couple and another Indian Vinod. Vinod is the person-in-charge of an environmental education centre in the city, and himself is also a businessmen. He is also the person with many ideas in his mind. For example, he wishes to donate five percent of his business income for promoting environmental awareness with the internet.
It is glad to see enthusiastic people.

南印度16天﹝九﹞/Cherai Beach 16 days in South India (9)/ Cherai Beach

日期:2007年09月29日/ 地點:喀拉拉邦科欽Date:29 Sep, 2007. Place: Cochin, Kerala

我沒有去過泰國及哥亞,但我相信Cherai Beach可能比泰國及哥亞的海灘遜色。但在Cochin來說,這也是一個很好的地方,很多老百姓在談情。

到Cherai Beach,要先由Fort Cochin坐船到Vypeen Island,再坐45分鐘巴士。
而由Fort Cochin到Vypeen Island的船又印證了印度是一個把什麼東西都放在一起的多元化國家。這艘船不只載人,也載車。無論坐滿學童的校巴、有客人的三輪車、單車、電單車及私家車也可上船,甚至是雪糕車也是這樣過海做生意。


I have never been to Thailand and Goa, but I believe that Cherai beach is not as attractive as those in Thailand and Goa. But it is still a beautiful place in Cochin, attracting many couples.
I need to take a jetty to Vypeen Island from Fort Cochin before taking a 45-minutes bus to the beach. The jetty to and from Vypeen Island is another example showing India is a diversified country that put different things together. The boat does not only carry passengers, but also cars. Fully seated school buses, rickshaws with passengers, bicycle, motorcycle and private car can also on board the jetty, and even the ice-cream cars are crossing the harbour by it.
I have enjoyed a homemade dinner at the Green Woods Bethlehem guesthouse before going to the train station for Mangalore in Karnataka.

南印度16天﹝八﹞/討論政治 16 days in South India (8)/ Political discussion

日期:2007年09月28日/ 地點:喀拉拉邦科欽Date:28 Sep, 2007. Place: Cochin, Kerala


而邦政府大力投資教育及醫療服務,以致識字率達百分之91。而財富分佈也較平均,這幾天在街上很少看到乞丐。這裡的市政府叫Corporation of Cochin。


I have never expected that I will be involved in political discussion before departing Hong Kong.
In Sri Lanka, the immigration officer asked me on the relationship between Hong Kong and China. I told him that Hong Kong is a Chinese city. He went on asking me if Hong Kong was only a Chinese city and if Hong Kong was separated from China. I replied that Hong Kong is part of China.
Israeli Noam had also asked a lot of such questions, for example, whether Hong Kong was a socialist community and whether private corporations were accepted.
Kerala is a socialist state of India, having the world’s first elected socialist government in 1957. The symbols of socialism are always seen in the city, and even the menu of a café has the photos of Che Guevara printed.
The state government heavily invests in education and health services, leading to the literacy rate of 91 percent and the more even distribution of wealth. I have rarely seen beggars in Cochin, which the municipal government is called Corporation of Cochin.
I have read a report in Yazhouzhoukan concerning how Kerala government tackles poverty.
The article says ``The cigarette rolling industry employs 6 million full-time and part-time workers in India. The workers only need a scissor, bamboo boat, a pair flexible hands and concentration to earn money. Each worker can roll between 600 and 2000 cigarettes each day. Their income is minimal as rolling 1,000 cigarettes will only give them HK$3. This is a low-class job. However, the workers have a decades long habit. They are grouped into between 30 and 40 workers, and there is a specialized person in each group responsible for reading newspaper and books to the workers. Therefore, the workers can actually read and discuss the papers while doing their job. The workers will give some cigarettes to the newspaper readers as salary.’’
I have seen ordinary citizens reading newspapers in reading room.
I wonder whether the people will be more politically alerted under such environment. A restaurant staff has suddenly asked me whether I am interested in politics, whether Hong Kong is a socialist community and whether I have joined the Communist Party.
The staff says he understands the relationship between Hong Kong and China, and says it is like the relationship between different states of India. Each state of India has its own government, but they need to report to the country central government.
He also says a movie is being shown in the city, which is about a Keralite man falling in love with a Chinese woman from Dubai as he is obsessed with Chinese communism.
Indeed, many Indians say they know China is a communist country when they know that I am from Hong Kong.
Although Kerala government is progressive, the state faces many problems. People are not earning high income because of the lack of industrial development. A lot of educated youngsters feel disappointed, committing suicide and going to Middle East countries for earning foreign currencies to support their families. The South China Morning Post has published an article satirizing the residents of the socialist state need to earn capitalist money.

南印度16天﹝七﹞/中國漁網 16 days in South India (7)/ Chinese fishing net

日期:2007年09月27日/ 地點:喀拉拉邦科欽Date:27 Sep, 2007. Place: Cochin, Kerala





Fish in Cochin is very famous, and fishermen selling their items are always seen in the city.
The fishermen get what they want with the use of Chinese fishing nets.
Such net, which is rarely seen in China, is said to be imported to India by Zheng He.
Applying the lever theory, the fishermen connected heavy stones to one side of the net. They will put the net under the water or pull it up if they have caught fish. The net is being replaced by other fishery methods.
I don’t like eating fish. But I think I need to try in this place. Yesterday night, I ate grilled fish with Israeli Noam. The fish was delicious and without the fishy smell. Tonight, I try the roast squid, which is also very good.
A drink named ``specialty’’ is available in the restaurant. It is actually beer. Restaurant staff says that they need to pay license fees for selling beer. To avoid paying the fees, they package beer as a special tea.

南印度16天﹝六﹞/卡塔卡利舞 16 days in South India (6)/ Kathakali Dance





Today is a cultural day. I have enjoyed the Kathakali Dance.
According to, Kerala owes its transnational fame to this nearly 300 years old classical dance form which combines facets of ballet, opera, masque and the pantomime. It is said to have evolved from other performing arts like Kootiyattam, Krishnanattam and Kalarippayattu. Kathakali explicates ideas and stories from the Indian epics and Puranas.
Presented in the temple precincts after dusk falls Kathakali is heralded by the Kelikottu or the beating of drums in accompaniment of the Chengila (gong). The riches of a happy blending of colour, expressions, music, drama and dance is unparallelled in any other art form.
Costume is elaborate with the face painted up. Great importance is laid on the Vesham or make-up which are of five types - Pacha, Kathi, Thadi, Kari and Minukku.
The pomp and magnificence of Kathakali is partly due to its decor part of which is the kireetam or huge headgear and the kanchukam the over sized jackets, and a long skirt worn over a thick padding of cushions. The identity of the actor is completely mutilated to create a super human being of larger-than-life proportion.
The orchestra is formed of two varieties of drums - the maddalam and chenda; the chengila which is a bell metal gong and the ilathalam or cymbals.
Students of Kathakali have to undergo rigorous training replete with oil massages and separate exercises for eyes, lips, cheeks, mouth and neck. Abhinaya or expression is of prime importance as is nritya or dance and geetham or singing.
Together with highly evocative facial expressions, the mudras and the music both vocal and instrumental, Kathakali unfolds stories from a bygone era in a lofty style reminiscent of the Greek plays. Kerala Kalamandalam , is the prominent institution imparting Kathakali training in the traditional way.
More information can be found at wikipedia.
I have met Noam from Israel after the dance performance. We ate delicious grill fish before going to a traditional Indian music concert. The drum performance is impressive.

Friday, October 12, 2007

南印度16天﹝五﹞/回流水船河 16 days in South India (5)/ Backwater trip

日期:2007年09月26日/ 地點:喀拉拉邦科欽 Date: 26, Sep 2007. Place: Cochin, Kerala


除了我和以色列人Noam Chayut外,船上所有遊客都是印度人。他們來自泰米爾納德邦及孟買。而船夫則是喀拉拉人。



I joined a six-hour backwater trip. It is a meaningful trip as the scenery is breath taking. Oxford dictionary says backwater means ``a part of river not reached by the current, where the water is stagnant, and a place or state in which no development is taking place.’’
But the ``stagnant’’ water in Kerala is amazing and lively. The boat enters the narrow canals which are surrounded by coconut trees, and where you can see Indians working. The boat has stopped in a traditional village, where we enjoyed simple Keralite lunch and saw traditional women making rope with coconut.
All of the other passengers – except me and Israeli Noam Chayut – are Indians. These Indians come from Mumbai and Tami Nadu, and the boatman is Keralite.
Different groups of Indians are communicating with each others in English. Why is that? It is because India has many official languages, and not many Indians can speak Hindi, which is common in the North. The passengers from Mumbai cannot understand Tamili.
I believe more than seven languages can be spoken in the boat of 20 passengers, which include Tamili, Malayalam (Keralite language), English, Hebrews, Cantonese and Putonghua.
We can see a lot of lotus along the trip. The Indians just pick them up and make a necklace.
Noam, who has knowledge of plantation, says ``I cannot believe it’’ when seeing the Indians picking up the flowers, fearing that it will lead to ecological disaster.
What the boatman earns is really ``blood and sweat money’’. We are not traveling in a motor boat. The boatman needs to insert the bamboo stick into the mud under the water, and then moves the boat forward before walking a few steps to pick up the stick. He needs to keep the same action for four hours! He earns Rs 100 (HK$20) each day.
Noam says he is exhausted after paddling the boat for a few minutes.
The Tamili on the boat keeps singing their province folk. When Noam is paddling the boat, they keep saying a folk song encouraging him to move faster.