Friday, December 28, 2007

Sarcastic and Nostalgic

I am getting more and more sarcastic (好挖苦人的,尖刻的) and nostalgic (懷舊的) these days. I am so nostalgic that I have written an email to my ex-boss, who is in Seoul and has lost contact with me for nearly a year, saying I appreciate his editing skills when we are working in the Stranded, which become the first-English-free-newspaper.
Sarcastic because I am more disatisfied with things around me, ranging from democratic and social development of the city, office work, and bla bla bla.
One of my friends are I would become a Victoria Park's elderly (維園阿伯). That's what I don't want.

Let listen to this song. 木紋by何韻詩
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