Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Books 書

The annual book fair has just concluded on Tuesday. I have tons of unread books. I purchased these books because I thought I would love reading them, but put them to the bookshelf after flipping not more than 20 pages.
Don’t wanna to buy books that I will not read. I am refrained from buying books after merely a glance of the covers.
I have bought seven books, of which five are about my favourite subjects. These books are The Reader (I like the movie very much), 村上春樹(Murakami Haruki)的「關於跑步,我說的其實是……」,莊曉陽(Chong Hiu-yeung)的「42公里的風光」(Chong is a reporter. I buy this book because the stories in his blog are good and I am interested in the scenery and people of other countries),一本名為「愛國無罪」的書及李鵬飛回憶錄(Two books only cost HK$5)
And I have bought a book named The Reluctant Fundamentalist. I have read a shortened Chinese translation of the story online already.

My friend Matt bought me a bag of coffee powder from Vietnam and the filter. I am making Vietnam coffee for dinner at office. The quality is not as good as what I have tasted in restaurants.
I need a book about making coffee.



1 comment:

Teoh KL said...

Give me some titles... I will order from Amazon. Need to read a lot to kill time in this country.