Monday, July 06, 2009

More Songs by Gurrumul Yunupingu


11 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Wirrpanu.mp3 -

Yi, yi, yi, yi
The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
Dhanurryuna threw it, the python Garrawananu Liliplyana
Yi, yi, yi, yi

Dad to dad, when will we return to Dhamdham (Goulburn)
Because the time for thunder is here
Come let’s return to Mawi

The thunder has formed, there at Bawuduwudu Naypinya
The thunder sent his mind back, the python Garrawananu Lilipiyana


06 - Gurrumul Yunupingu - Marwurrumburr.mp3 -

now it has cooled, the country
his night has come for ..
ya, ya, ya, the cat

also he will, climb into funeral shelter
the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel

the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel

dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri dit dirri rriri, dit dirri rriri

the scent of the smelt by Wtitj
the scent of the smelt by Wtitj

Bininyala ya, ya the cat

the cat will travel, the cat will travel
the cat will travel, the cat will travel

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