Sunday, December 24, 2006

幽門螺旋桿菌 Helicobacter pylori

在4月感了這種相信與胃癌有關的幽門螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter pylori),吃了一星期的藥。想不到八個月後復發。

  1. 少喝最喜愛的咖啡、奶茶及中國茶;
  2. 避開太晚吃飯。因工作關係,往往要九時後才回家吃飯。今後要吩咐母親星期一、三及五不用留飯﹝在公司早點用餐﹞,星期二及四盡量早回家吃飯。﹝這可能比較麻煩,要多加解釋,以免母親不高興。退休後,除了參加社區中心活動外,煮飯成為她最大工作。姐年前結婚搬走後,我與爸幾乎是她的唯一捧場客。﹞;
  3. 少吃刺激、油膩及未煮熟的食品;
  4. 多運動﹝本人喜歡行山及郊遊﹞;
  5. 多吃健康食品及蔬果

I was infected with Helicobacter pylori in April, which is believed to be related to stomach cancer. I had taken anti-biotics for a week, and I had not thought that it would be relapsed eight months after.
Doctor said it was common to be infected again and again. He asked me whether I had eaten uncooked fish, and told me that I would be infected by contaminated fish even though I did not often eat uncooked food.
I rarely eat uncooked fish. I am wondering that why am I the only one infected even though I eat the sushi with my colleagues. So I think that I am infected in other restaurants and even at home.
Restrictions on diet set several months ago will have to be re-imposed.
1. Drink less coffee and tea, which are my favourite
2. Try avoiding having dinner too late at night
3. Try less oily, fried and uncooked food
4. More sportsMore vegetable and healthy food
5. More vegetable and healthy food

1 comment:

Teoh KL said...

Take care.